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About higezzzz

  • Birthday 12/14/1990

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  • Location
    In your house
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Occupation
    Dont got one


  • Lepton

higezzzz's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. it depends on wut they use. IF they simply use a keyword watcher or url checker the i.p method will work. In fact it will work on almost all filters. Because they dont block the ip they block the url. The i.p isnt the url so the filter will say "ok" and let u in. Were as normally it would reject the url. Just like in google images, when u type in sumtin bad, thats the keyword checker. and the site, is the url blocker.
  2. I cant think of a way that it would or wouldnt end. i guess it would have to end somewere.
  3. people as a good hacker and someone great with exploits. yes this script will work. but instead, open command type Ping http://www.(weburlhere).com get the i.p and enter that instead of the url. it will bypass and u can accept cookies unlike the script above
  4. Ghost in the shell stand alone complex. Definite look into what we can do in the future.
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