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Everything posted by Menan
Obnoxious to the point of grandiose delusion, are people who do not know what's going on, but attempt to create a math formula to explain speeded up expansion. The formula fails because there is not enough mass, so they get together and INVENT dark matter, which is the missing 85 percent of the universe, then people like you defend them and give us details about the dark matter that is only inferred by an equation that may well be totally wrong...…………. So while I am being obnoxious, I value the truth more then your fantasy Fact, all of the universe, is exactly where it belongs, where it has always been, and it has never been missing, nor will it ever be missing
The human race does not agree with you, thus you can not say we. Darwin's theory of evolution has already been disproved and the unfortunate result is no one knows what to think so they will not accept the new evidence
- 6 replies
I agree that dogs are not only derived from grey wolves, but that they are in fact mutated grey wolves. If you bred humans to be midgets, you could never end up with a subspecies, just short humans. There is no difference with any other mammal. Thus a pug is a grey wolf mutation that in the wild would have a zero probability of survival, mutations are still members of the parent species.
Zero theory was used in building the CPU. Modern CPU's are the result of continued trial and error experimentation. Your mind relates everything to relativity, including the Reese's Pieces that you eat for breakfast.
- 48 replies
Why should people missing 85 percent of an equation (dark matter)
Menan replied to Menan's topic in Speculations
Actually galaxies are flying apart from each other...………………. Seriously -
Dogs and wolves mate and reproduce perfectly if the size match is correct. Dogs came to be when mutants were born and instead of succumbing to nature the human handlers gave them the extra care needed for them to live and breed. The mutant, was and is still a wolf The theory is that dogs are descended from another canine now extinct, it's nonsense from toy terrier owners who consider the wolf an ugly brute
Who is we, are there two more stooges? Where did you learn thee words of wisdom and from where did they get the info? I could make stuff up too, except I am a grown up How can the expanded material be the entire universe when that material is moving outward at a high rate of speed. Are you claiming that it goes nowhere, or that where it goes did not exist until the matter got there. My hope is that you learn that you can not make up stories as you go and be taken seriously That said Tyson makes up krap every day as well, Hawking wrote entire books of nonsense
- 6 replies
That makes no sense, though I have heard it before. I term the universe as the area containing the expansion. You seem to be implying that the expanded area creates the area where it expands into as it expands. That's pure nonsense and gives godlike properties to the expanding area of matter. So the area is clearly there, before the expanded matter gets there.
So are quantum entangled or teleported particles instantly there
Menan replied to Menan's topic in Relativity
I agree this does not make sense, and I truly believe that the people working with this do not understand fully either. We do not understand DNA either but have been modifying it for tens of thousands of years- 26 replies
Now you claim that the universe is not expanding? Explain
Dogs and wolves have not been separated for long enough to be subspecies, the lineage seems to be from 8 to 30 thousand years since wolf domestication. Since dogs and wolves can interbreed perfectly there is no species difference. There is info to both ends however, and new info from the UK that dogs are not related to wolves at all, which is pretty comical because their DNA is near identical
Why should people missing 85 percent of an equation (dark matter)
Menan replied to Menan's topic in Speculations
Wrong, neither dark matter or dark energy have ever been observed. Anyone with a basic knowledge of physics would know that. I will educate you. Dark matter and energy are a missing variable that without the current mathematical model of expansion just does not work as the visible mass of the universe is just too small to allow for what is believed to be observed. Thus no one knows the ratio of dark matter to energy, or even if they really exist, as they have never been observed. So why don't you give us your info that no one else has- 50 replies
You have a great imagination, but just haven't been correct yet http://www.sjsu.edu/faculty/watkins/transist.htm Shockley had started working in 1936 on the solid state physics theory that was the basis for the transistor. There was precedence for this type of device. The early radios had signal detectors which consisted of a fine wire, called a cat's whisker, impinging upon a galena (lead sulfide) crystal. The radio user had to move the cat's whisker around upon the germanium crystal to find a suitable point of contact where a radio signal could be picked up. These early radios worked but only imperfectly. Nevertheless the principle upon which the crystal detector worked was the basis for the "point-contact" transistor. Bardeen and Brattain used germanium instead of galena in that first transistor. They also used the equivalent of cat's whiskers, but two rather than one. Shockley's design, the bipolar transistor, eliminated the delicate, troublesome point contacts. Later transistors were made from silicon, a much more common element and one that was protected from corrosion by a thin layer of silicon dioxide.
Why should people missing 85 percent of an equation (dark matter)
Menan replied to Menan's topic in Speculations
LOL, so you are the one who understands the difference between dark matter and energy, when both are just needed variables in an equation that might be totally wrong in the first place. Then you can solve the universe now. Go kid- 50 replies
Why should people missing 85 percent of an equation (dark matter)
Menan replied to Menan's topic in Speculations
Dark energy and or matter are interchangeable terms because nether has been defined. Claiming that the universe slowed and is now accelerating is not inferred form any evidence. In reality it was slowing because the big bang was compared to a big explosion on Earth where the energy is reduced as the blast spreads outward, and people made a correlation. Newer evidence shows the expansion speeding up, it was always speeding up even when no one knew. Jesus think instead of repeating nonsense Give me a million negative ratings, but you will all be dead before I am disproved. If you think I need to be accepted by people who completed 15 percent of an equation think again. Keep thinking because they are banging their heads and many are saying that we were wrong- 50 replies
Why should people missing 85 percent of an equation (dark matter)
Menan replied to Menan's topic in Speculations
The math that requires dark matter as a variable to be proved, is based not upon universal expansion, but of speeded up expansion. There needs to be a factor or energy not providing the expansion but one providing continued energy and increasing speed. The big bang as a slowing entity is not happening, it is being added too Learn that 85 percent of the universe is missing. Sorry can't do that because I know it's all there, you might to do some reprogramming yourself Again this computer was born of my hand, most come from best buy -
Was there a way to the moon before the way was created? Again creation is not an option, we create a way off, or die here. (adapted from Hawking)
Why should people missing 85 percent of an equation (dark matter)
Menan replied to Menan's topic in Speculations
So Einstein based science on the common thought. Examples of common thought. Earth flat, God did it The defense rest- 50 replies
Why should people missing 85 percent of an equation (dark matter)
Menan replied to Menan's topic in Speculations
The problem is that people believed Einstein when he said that the universe was a static bubble. He believed himself too, accept that the likelihood that relativity is right is at least equal to it being wrong because it's math fails. Do you accept that there is no math proving universal speeded expansion, but that we can land a space probe an inch away from it's target with an atom of fuel to spare after traveling and orbiting between planets. So the math works, but it also proves the universe is wrong, or our understanding is wrong. I submit for peer review that the universe can not be wrong...…………………….but that you can I said that I do not reject science, and I built this computer. Back to you- 50 replies
Why should people missing 85 percent of an equation (dark matter)
Menan replied to Menan's topic in Speculations
Not only do we not understand how so called junk DNA works, we actually have no idea how DNA does anything. Sure we see the coding and know that things are recorded in a chemical sort of computer program, but explain how a dog knows what to track without ever tracking anything or following the pack to learn? The mouse and the cherry blossom experiment proves that random mutation is not needed for change and it also proves that the reproductive cells can be changed in a living adult so that first generation offspring can be beneficially mutated to a new environmental challenge. This effectively tosses every text that even mentions Darwin. So much more is going on then we can see that we might as well be blind. The cherry blossom experiment is another full discussion though Again you believe that you know how the universe began billions of years ago, but can not tell me what is in my left pocket, even though in terms of the universe, we are touching right now. Arrogance Actually I am not one of those people who rejects any of science, I am just keeping perspective. Where do you get a 65 percent number of what's not known? Because what is not known defies any label at all, your statement is wrong and arrogant, you will see this if you apply logic- 50 replies
Why should people missing 85 percent of an equation (dark matter)
Menan replied to Menan's topic in Speculations
Little children make models quite often- 50 replies
be treated seriously. Would you pass class if you completed 15 percent of the exam? Really, one fact that I know is that none of the universe is missing, it's all there just where it belongs. The thing is to comprehend that we do not comprehend what the universe is. So is the universe wrong, the math wrong, or is the math right and we just have no vision to apply the math because what we see is not what we think we see.
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But if you could remove by some means the weight of a mass, the amount of energy needed to move the mass would be reduced or eliminated and light speed might be possible. Laugh, but once Von Braun was laughed at by the brightest minds for proposing that it should be possible to shoot an object to the moon. He hadn't built squat yet, minus the bicycle with fireworks attached that is. We achieve faster than light speed, or die here How I know that no one really understands relativity. Because no one adds to it, or continues it in any way, its a dead field, like studying history, it can't change, real science is an unstoppable forward march and is not missing 85 percent of the equation If mass increases at light speed, why. Would atoms get bigger? or increase in number. ?
Thanks everyone, but I am a little flustered right now, my son just came home after joining the Navy with top secret military clearance and will be in the computer field on subs. So perhaps I will solve the weight problem at light speed tomorrow. (somebody will someday, or we die here)(Hawking) Thanks to everyone!
I can't find my first source of this as I read it years ago, at a time when many of you were not yet eggs and sperm yet, but here is another source for the three persons list https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/only-three-people-understand-general-relativity.935624/ Note the people who truly comprehend the entire work should all in theory be able to add to it and have those additions verified. All people try to do is either prove or disprove it.