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Everything posted by Menan

  1. General Relativity from what I have read in several places, is a body of work that is not typically fully understood by more than 3 living people in the world at a time. That said I am not one of those people, but every college kid in a physics class claims to understand this fully and puts Einstein up on a God pedestal. I am going to say this and it is based on fundamental logic, which is claiming to have proof mathematical or otherwise (the math dictates that 85 percent of the universe is missing)(it's not missing, we just do not know what the universe is) that nothing can travel faster then light, without having knowledge of everything in the universe is an unprovable hypothesis or theory. We all have the same percentage access to all knowable knowledge of the universe which might be expressed as 1 trillionth, of 1 trillionth, of 1 trillionth of a single percent. Claiming that nothing can exceed light speed requires knowledge that we just do not possess. Note I do not reject any of theoretical physics, I just keep it in perspective Theory is not the best it gets in science. Physics is basically the study of everything, many if not most things are clear cut and proved. People get mixed up and believe that theoretical physics is the main body of science. It's not, in fact it only exist to explain what we really do not know
  2. Nothing in theoretical physics is proved, if it were it would not be theory. Bigfoot is a theory, one that I do not put much faith in. That said that the universe was a static bubble (theory) until Hubble created another theory based on more significant evidence then Einstein offered. Now there are physicist theorizing that the universe is really a computer simulation. Moral, get laid, because you are never going to know where the universe came from or where it's going. Someone might someday, but college professors have no clue, nor do they have the ability to teach any fact on this topic
  3. Computers do not have components that are more important then the other. Remove the language and nothing happens, enter the language without a CPU, or ram nothing happens. It's analogous to what is more important in you, your brain or heart, or liver or skin. It all has to be there in synchronicity.
  4. Not so long ago we couldn't fly or go to space either. In fact not so long ago the Earth was not a planet and space did not yet exist. The odd thing is that some people are so ready to blabber about the big bang, black holes, offer proof that the speed of light can not be surpassed by anything in the universe when effectively exactly zero percent of the universe has been explored. Fact, everything in theoretical physics is as proven as bigfoot.
  5. I could be wrong, but as speed increases g forces and weight increase. I would assume that this continues all the way up the speed ladder. If gravity could be counteracted upon, would not the g forces and weight not accumulate up the speed ladder, making for no increase in power needs at or near light speed. Einstein just made observations, what if he tried to build something???????????????????????
  6. How would one entangle a proton and even once done how could you tell that proton from the other trillion trillion near it.
  7. Light is not instantaneous, how is faster then light travel not violated Do you really think that Bell is going to tell Google or the Chinese what they are doing? Corporate espionage is not conspiracy, its part of life today
  8. Could the speed of light be exceeded if the gravitational forces generated could be counteracted, in theory that is?
  9. I have been reading about this and frankly it seems to me that experimentation and even crude developments are being made in this field. So is there evidence that entangled particles at a distance are entangled instantly, which would be faster then light travel? Because this would mean communication between the farthest satellite Voyager I think would take the same time as a thought before expression. No one doing these experiments will or can be truly forthcoming because of company rules. Thanks
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