I have a question related to Eise's very useful explanation above, which was provided in another post. My question is related to what appears to be the crux of quantum entanglement and the subsequent loss of entanglement via measurement. My question is related to the statement by Eise above that says:
"The 'spooky' aspect comes in when we do not know from each other in which direction we measure the spin. It can be vertical, horizontal, 30o, 45o, 55.3977o. What we find is that the correlation is stronger than one would expect if we would assume that the particles already had a definite spin from the beginning. "
Is it possible to explain these statements further? Preferably with details. Everything else is very easy to follow, except this exact part, which seems to be very critical in understanding the topic. If it is possible, please contain any explanations to this one particular detail - "...the correlation is stronger than one would expect..." (unless necessary to explain the answer). I am not arguing or debating any point, but rather attempting to understand.
Thank you.