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Everything posted by bsmith6661

  1. The problem statement and diagram is attached. Write a MATLAB code for the mechanism that uses phi at the independent variable and solve for the following parameters when phi=30°, 150°, 260°, and 310°. a. Angular velocity of link 3b. Angular acceleration of link 3c. Linear velocity of point Ed. Linear acceleration of point Ee. Motor torque with external force, FeI don't necessarily need the MATLAB code, as I can figure that out. My trouble lies within figuring out the Kinematic Equations. Would I need to figure out a system of equations (ex. 5 equations, 5 unknowns) or could they all be solved for independently? I'm pretty sure that the 'syms' function in MATLAB accounts for this.This exact same problem is on Chegg, but I believe it is wrong. I have attached it below. My main questions have to be: Why wasn't phi or the mass of the sliders/links accounted for (and how would you do that, if they need to be)? And why are they dividing by 0.02 in step 1? I will be reviewing this material during the coming weeks, and I would just like to understand what is going on with this system, especially since my book doesn't have any similar examples in it. Any and all explanations are appreciated!
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