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  1. So, you agree that this "many US banks have been caught" stuff is a mere hyped up statement meant to impress the uninformed, and that what you should have said is that it is alleged that they were caught in improper banking practices--correct? Oh, no, not at all. I am challenging one element of your "argument." What I am challenging is whether ot not many US banks have been caught in laundering money for the drug trade. I have not, as yet, taken a stand on the CIA's involvement in the drug trade. Now, which is it? is it the banks that are laundering money? Or is it that these banks loaned money to people who were involved in money laundering? If a bank loans money to someone who uses it for an illegal purpose, is the bank responsible for the crime? The key word is "criticized." Were charges brought? Was there a conviction in an American court?
  2. Can you back that up with documentation?
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