@CharonY Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli strain k12, now they have the required factors. F- and F+ but the problem is here, it has extra's growing on top of the Bacillus that isn't supposed to look like Bacillus. It looks slightly darker in color, has 2 dots on the side, 1 green, 1 yellow, and some extra bits growing on top of the parts. Here I will link a picture... Now I put them under a microscope and I can sort of post a video on it flowing under the conditions of 80C (Would kill this Escherichia) I'm trying to have Bacillus and Escherichia exchange genes in the topic of high-temperature resistance. I might have a mixed culture who knows!
Under the microscope I grabbed a slide and stained it with methylene blue and put it on a hot plate to 80C, today, however, I am going to 150C (Normal survivable range of Bacillus and see if either can go over the limit.
Links to the pictures:
https://ibb.co/nfM6ef (Bacillus and E.COLI strain k12 combined.)
https://ibb.co/eqSezf (Bacillus and E.COLI strain k12 colonized.)