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    Over the river and through the woods
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  1. What happens: it flies over the board and knocks all the pieces down. Then it pecks you to death. What also happens: someone knocks over all reasoning. Then the person gives bad remarks that annoy you to death.
  2. It could be the way you sit/stand/sleep, or as you said, anxiety. This tingling you feel could be your arms and legs falling asleep Limbs falling asleep could also be caused by vessels being blocked for too long
  3. It could be the way you sit/stand/sleep, or as you said, anxiety. This tingling you feel could be your arms and legs falling asleep Limbs falling asleep could also be caused by vessels being blocked for too long
  4. Maybe the question meant for each: 4 for DNA(Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, Thymine), and 4 for RNA(Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, Uracil)
  5. possibly a vacuole or a lysosome for "C" you could also add "nuclear membrane", that's the layer surrounding the nucleus/nucleolus
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