Is it just me or when people type "That's the American pronunciation", you can just hear the sneer? This is the way I look at is, "fun guy" and "fun jeye" are both incorrect. Why, you ask?
Do you say "veneye, veyedeye, veyeceye"? No? Why not? OOOHHHH, because those words are LATIN and that's not how they pronounce the letter "I". In fact, English speaking countries, as far as I know are the ONLY countries to pronounce the /I/ like "eye". Everywhere else, its the equivalent of /ee/ in English. To all the brits that will probably get up in arms about that and respond with "well...thats how *we* say it in English and its *our* language!". Just like all the words you took from French, German, Latin and Greek where THEIR languages. So if it's incorrect for Americans to change pronunciations, then it was incorrect for the Brits to do the same. So there nyah.