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Everything posted by quantenmaschine

  1. The universe as a whole? I did find this...... https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2018/07/14/ask-ethan-how-large-is-the-entire-unobservable-universe/#410c447ddf80 extract: "This means the unobservable Universe, assuming there's no topological weirdness, must be at least 23 trillion light years in diameter, and contain a volume of space that's over 15 million times as large as the volume we can observe. If we're willing to speculate, however, we can argue quite compellingly that the unobservable Universe should be significantly even bigger than that". Now we want to calculate a black hole with Cosmic Microwave Radiation inside (T_cmb = 2.725 K) {this gives a maximum possible radius of an universe}: Energydensity Epsilon = atilde*T_cmb^4 = 4.1718e-14 [J/m^3] = 3*c^4/(8*pi*G*Rs^2) see GRT This is a Schwarzschild-Radius of: Rs = sqrt(3*c^4/(8*pi*G*atilde*T_cmb^4)) = 1.8609e28 [m] A Schwarzschild-Time of: ts = Rs/c = 1967 Gyr = 6.2073e19 The Mass of this black hole is: Ms = Rs*c^2/G = 2.5059e55 [kg] The density of the Photons within CMBR is: n_gamma = 16*pi*zeta(3){k*T_cmb/(h*c)}^3 = 410.5e6 [1/m^3] The total Photonnumber: N = 4*pi*Rs^3/3 * 410.5e6 = 1.1081e94 = const (primordial photons)!!! This black hole has a accelleration of: as = G*Ms/Rs^2 = 4.8296e-12 [m/s^2] = c/ts = dF / Ms The proof gives: Rs*as = c^2 (with is expected)
  2. A universe filled with CMBR has a maximum Radius of 1967 Gyr.
  3. If you assume a Universe which is filled only with CMWBR than you will get a Black Hole of Radius 1967 Gyr see: http://internet-berater.bplaced.net/About_the_cosmological_Problem.html
  4. 1.) Dark Energy is not neccessary see/google: Planck Constants solves Einstein Field Equations with k=+1 and positive Lambda 2.) Dark Matter is given by supermassive black holes and a variing gravitational constant G = 1.9273e-67 * Ru^2 3.) G*M/R = c^2 must be because E = m*c^2 !!! 4.) A.Eddington supposed the total number of atoms within Universe ~ 10^80 * 10^-27 ~ 10^53 [kg] - the mass of the Universe is: 2.5059e55 [kg] so the baryonic matter is ~1% of the total mass.
  5. Hi dear group ... With this pulsar I want to test my theory of a variable gravitational constant. The mass of this pulsar is 2.8281*m_sun = 5.628e30 [kg] The circulating time t = Pb*86400 = 0.323*86400 = 27907 With Keplers law you can calculate the radius: R^3 = G*M*t^2/(4*pi^2) = 7.4095e27 => R = 1.9495e9 [m] Additionally we need the average speed: v = G*M/R = 438938 [m/s] Now we want to test the variable gravitational constant: G*M/R^3 = v^2/R^2 = 4*pi^2/t^2 => t ~ R The global expansion of space in 14 years is: dR/R = 14*31557600*c/Ru = 7.122e-12 [m/m] (Ru = 1.8609e28 [m]) In 28 year the pulsar makes 31663 rounds: Time-Expansion is: dt = 31663*27907*7.122e-12 = 0.0063 not measurable !!!
  6. I cannot post anything please contact me by eMail:




    1. Strange


      You can reply in the thread you have created for your idea: 


    2. studiot


      Hello Strange, is our new member not restricted by the 5 post/first day limit.

      If I get anything by email I will put it up.

      Please also remove Peter's personal Email if it is generally visible.

    3. Strange


      Ah, yes. I forgot about the 5 post limit.

      (He shouldn't have wasted them on spamming the forum :) )

  7. Dark Energy is responsible for an accellerated Expansion of the Universe. But Einstein sayed about the Lambda Term it was a foolish idea and he rejected this Term After Hubbles Discovery of the Hubble Constant. I showed in a Papier the background - google: Planck Constants solves Einstein Field Equations with k=+1 and positive Lambda
  8. see: <h2>Details see (german Paper): <a href="http://internet-berater.bplaced.net/About_the_cosmological_Problem.html" target="_blank">http://internet-berater.bplaced.net/About_the_cosmological_Problem.html</a></h2>
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