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Touch The Universe

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  1. Thanks studiot, came to the same conclusion. See my post above yours
  2. Synopsis of another answer I got from a different source (youtube). For the laws of electricity and magnetism to work, we need a finite speed of light. Mass less objects must travel at the speed of light. Mass is an impediment to motion. No mass means no impediment so they go as fast as they can go. The very existence of mass and space time means that the speed of light is finite. If speed of light was infinite, there would be no mass because it would take infinite energy to create matter. There is a finite maximum speed of light, but, before it is the maximum speed of light, it is the maximum speed of casualty. This casualty is what I was referring to when I was talking about the properties which could limit the speed of light, like some property of the vacuum. It is the maximum rate at which two points in space can talk to each other. The speed of light happens to share this same finite number because photons are mass less. This casualty seems to be the more interesting thing than the speed of light, which is a component of this first. A better question would be what properties dictate these laws of casualty, which could theoretically be some property embedded in plank space/time or the vacuum. Wow, so that is really cool, and rather mysterious.
  3. Thanks. your reply is helpful. I know reality is 4D but was trying to describe the two ways space accepts movement. Stuff can move in space, space can move/expand in space. Dimensions might not be an apt word, apologize, but I degress. You pretty much nailed the hypothesis shut, which is fun. Except for one possibility. This doesn't actually discount the idea of possible discrete steps in the speed of light though, does it? If space moves faster and faster, is it at all conceivable it can effect the speed of light? On the same thought, wouldn't that mean space is expanding at different rates, at a faster rate where there is more mass, like a galaxy cluster, and wouldn't that be easy to test? What do you mean the geodesics of space? The speed of light could be infinite but there are some properties within the geodesics of spacetime which limit it to 300M ksp? Is that possible?
  4. Hypothesis: The speed of light is infinite, or at least unbounded and contingent upon the properties of spacetime. The "speed of light" is the maximum speed at which energy or matter can move through spacetime and not an intrinsic property of light but is incidental to the properties of spacetime. The vacuum is a substance which has atleast two dimensions. One dimension describes the way energy and matter propagate through it. The other dimension is that space itself can propagate, increasing irrespective to the contents within it. These two are related. Experiment: Measure the speed of light in regions which have a suspect high amount of dark energy and see if the speed of light is different around these regions. Perhaps see if the cosmic inflation was a time where there was less dark energy and thus the speed of light was different. This suggests as the speed of the vacuum of space expands, light will behave differently in how fast it can travel. There may be a quantum component to this aspect of vacuum where it expands in discrete steps and not a linear or even exponential curve, but similar to the orbits electrons can take around a nucleus. For instance, any increase in the speed of light may require the speed space accelerates by a factor of 10. In essence, it can resonant with this new stable level the same way an electron is bumped to a higher orbit when it absorbs a photon, so it can increase in discrete steps. Just a funny idea, let me know why it's not unique or not based on reality.
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