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  • Location
  • College Major/Degree
    Imperial College London | Ph.D. Mechancial Engineering
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Biography
    Engineer, gamer, coffee addict
  • Occupation
    Mechanical Engineer

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. It isn't an option to focus on all these aspects for one degree in the UK; you would need to complete one (my university offers a two-stage degree, this means you can study two subjects but one graduate in one field of study). Could you inform me where you live and what job you wish to achieve on completion of your degree?
  2. LPG is an asphyxiant gas.@HB of CJ is correct; LPG is denser than air (it's commonly known as a seeker), it will sit at the lowest point. LPG in the UK must be stored in a secure area that cannot be tampered with, also LPG tanks must be a certain distance away from residential properties to protect the public in event of an explosion. LPG tanks located underground will allow the earth to absorb some of the blast should it ignite (remember the gas is explosive, not the liquid). It worth noting that LPG is not toxic and won't poison you, however, it is an asphyxiant and will suffocate you. LPG evaporates at -42 degree and will cause frostbite should it get on your skin, therefore, handle carefully.
  3. Gears


    I have been informed I don't have a fashion sense. I confess I like clothes that fit comfortably and are not like a boa constrictor around your legs. In the UK we have a shop called River Island that caters to people who want the latest fashion but don't want to feel like they're walking around in a cacoon. Don't worry about being a nerd; I've heard it said that smart is the new sexy, however, I call it individuality.
  4. I suppose it depends on what area of engineering you wish to pursue. All aspect of engineering requires strong mental faculties, therefore engineering doesn't necessarily mean if you're good with your hands you'd make a good engineer. Here in the UK, we don't have a surplus amount of engineers; they're always wanted. When I was a Ph.D. student, I was offered many engineering jobs that employers were finding difficult to fill, however, I can only speak on the UK situation. Engineering is always useful! My doctoral adviser always said to me "you may study engineering, however, engineering is more than being an engineer, engineering is focus, logic and an unbiased outlook of the work through mathematics and formula - you see things others don't; and these skills are transferable to any job or task". The world needs engineers - that's a fact. Remember: you don't need a piece of paper to make you an engineer - many of my colleagues have never sat an exam and are extremely bright and paid very handsomely; their work and thought processes have got them where they are today without ever sitting an exam.
  5. Hello, Mechanical engineering is very interesting and will definitely help you in pursuing your chosen career. I studied mechanical engineering from secondary school (US: college) and I now have my Ph.D. in this very subject. I can inform you that mechanical engineering does not have any specific study on aerospace, however, the skills are transferable (you would need to modify formulas for the aerospace division). Textbooks about mechanical engineering are readily available, therefore, if you choose to pursue aerospace studies, you can study mechanical engineering in your own time to assist you with your studies. Some areas of mechanics are very easy and verge on common sense, however, I could assist if you have any specific questions. I would recommend a university, however, they are all based in the UK and I assume you reside in the US. I will happily provide you with the information should yu require it. Whichever path you choose, I wish you the very best in your studies. Best wishes, Josh
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