Myr, I have optic nerve damage in one eye that is over 40yrs old. I didn't start seeing these blue dots until about 20yrs ago. I see them with my eyes open, closed , on me on the TV, & on other people. The frequency of when they appear is not regular at all. The thing that struck me as odd is my husband sees them too and once a friend came over and I brought up the subject and she too was seeing them. Prior to her confirmation I thought perhaps it was something environmental in our home. I think we can strike that one off the list. I kid with my husband and tell him we are mutating as human beings and are acquiring the ability to "see" into other realities or dimensions. One thing I would be curious to know is if there is any commonality in the people posting on here. My husband, the friend and myself are spiritual (not religious) people. I think it's fascinating regardless of the reason.