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Everything posted by MasterOgon

  1. The inertial propulsion https://youtu.be/pcEdpb-rIX4?t=335 was considered by many to be antigravity, because during the experiments it seemed that it did not repel anything. In the end, it was even launched into space. And there it did not work. The peculiarity of this engine is that it can repel almost everything that offers resistance. Therefore, if the solar wind resists, then the engine can push off from it. If you set a sail on it. The disadvantage of this engine in the mechanical design, which does not allow to develop more power and be effective. But if you use electromagnets instead of mechanics, you can get a better result.
  2. Under the picture link. If you look at the bird from the front or the fish from above, there are similarities. Flying saucer, like a bird, makes a sharp movement of the wing up and slowly lowers the wing down. Having made a sharp movement of the wing up, the bird creates a whirlwind. Slowly lowering the wing, the bird detaches from it. It is drawn on the picture . If you observe a jellyfish, it makes more complex movements, but the meaning is the same. I can't mathematically confirm this because I am not an expert. On a simplified model, it looks like this: https://youtu.be/uoFQ3g1VEUI I don't know anything new about it. If they use the principle I’m talking about, I don’t think that the Nazis were able to build such а flying saucer. I think the curved shape of a bell or a saucer makes sense to increase its effectiveness, but it can be flat. The first flying saucer is an umbrella plane that jumped on the ground.
  3. Thank. And how to write: an engine that creates an impulse of inertia? The space environment is not a vacuum. There is a photo and electric sail to perceive the resistance of the space environment.
  4. PRINCIPLE OF FLYING SAUCER. Flying saucer is a reusable air / underwater / spacecraft. The motor used on it is a movable discoid sail, driven by high-frequency electromagnetic inertial propulsion. With the help of the wing, the inertial propulsion perceives the resistance of the environment and the apparatus comes in forward motion. Thus, the flying saucer uses the principle of movement of birds, fish and other species of creatures moving in a homogeneous environment. This principle is possible in virtually any environment capable of providing resistance in which waves can be created and reflected. This allows you to effectively use the resistance of the environment due to its inertness. For example, an airplane for the most part simply overcomes air resistance, leaving behind it an air whirlwind that lasts some time by inertia. The vortex contains energy that is not used at all. A bird creating a whirlwind with a wing wave receives back some of the energy spent on it in the form of wind, which pushes it. Thus, the bird is more efficient than the aircraft. But it is technically difficult to create a powerful and fast apparatus in the form of a bird or fish. Such designs have a large number of moving parts that do not withstand the load on friction and vibration, if you install a powerful engine on them. Unlike the ornithopter wing, the wing of the flying saucer will be able to vibrate with high frequency and low amplitude, like the membrane of an acoustic speaker. This can be achieved through the use in the design of the electromagnetic drive of the wing. The suspension of the wing on a magnetic cushion will allow you to realize greater power and frequency of oscillation with a low mechanical load. The work of the wing in the air or water can be described as follows. The wing makes a fast ascending impulse, as a result of which a shock wave is formed above it, and the flying saucer begins to be drawn into the region of reduced pressure formed behind it. An annular vortex is formed under the wing, which follows it by inertia. Then the wing begins to make a reverse movement downward at low speed, and the flying saucer pushes off from the whirlwind, which catches up with it, carrying it upwards.
  5. Principle, scheme, images of a flying saucer. Reusable spaceship of the future. Spaceship with a solar sail. http://new-original-style.com.ua/pages/article/flying/saucer_en.htm
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