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    York, UK
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  1. Not yet. The abstract of their latest study is here: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/323189156_Integrating_Silicon_Solar_Cell_with_Triboelectric_Nanogenerator_via_a_Mutual_Electrode_for_Harvesting_Energy_from_Sunlight_and_Raindrop
  2. Nice development. Always thought that the constant tapping of rain could be utilised. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/mar/13/rain-or-shine-new-solar-cell-captures-energy-from-raindrops
  3. Thanks for the info. Given the UK's large network of reservoirs, does this have potential too as the water exits the reservoir? Isn't a reservoir basically a dam? Surely the water companies are sitting on a valuable network of power generation?
  4. It really is shameful that as the climate suffers more is not being done to utilise this resource. On a smaller scale, I also found this that utilises river current. http://idenergie.ca/en/river-turbine/ Allegedly, it gives the same energy production as 4-10 solar panels which seems quite decent. Could probably be easily replicated too.
  5. Tidal and Hydro power are surely an underutilised resource: https://www.independent.co.uk/environment/scotland-floating-turbine-tidal-power-record-sr2000-scotrenewables-ofgem-a8503221.html With the reliability of tides, you would presume that more countries would be investing heavily and rapidly in this technology.
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