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Everything posted by fibonacii1.601836

  1. i apreciate you dosent mater if that idea is true or false science is a machine, fuel is hypothesis,ideas,theories etc.
  2. 2792032028137331302627013031243028329173031935 42402815263089197274603031(424028-31272519427267254267343031260310253229283027262893127269-7284323513) 71903230540272673513 3242525 2928304342217400424028303231911779426273513031249283292217303190 71903230540272704) 32926428013330220292830434221713 728432013 294284313027013203143100 292830272628931272679 .....29263032 277300272679329264.243028329273023289314310351531428600 2132831913 15314286013 253107428293331913330312726931269
  3. 2792032028137331302627013031243028329173031935 42402815263089197274603031(424028-31272519427267254267343031260310253229283027262893127269-7284323513) 71903230540272673513 3242525 2928304342217400424028303231911779426273513031249283292217303190 71903230540272704) 32926428013330220292830434221713 728432013 294284313027013203143100 292830272628931272679 .....29263032 277300272679329264.243028329273023289314310351531428600 2132831913 15314286013 253107428293331913330312726931269
  4. 2792032028137331302627013031243028329173031935 42402815263089197274603031(424028-31272519427267254267343031260310253229283027262893127269-7284323513) 71903230540272673513 3242525 2928304342217400424028303231911779426273513031249283292217303190 71903230540272704) 32926428013330220292830434221713 728432013 294284313027013203143100 292830272628931272679 .....29263032 277300272679329264.243028329273023289314310351531428600 2132831913 15314286013 253107428293331913330312726931269 this is CORE of theory of everything i codificate the information for personal reason if you aleardy decodate this congratulations contact me in PM.
  5. to be in my place what to do with this words you mean that i dont have any ToE ? let it be so
  6. 90% of information is not published and theory is not ready it my fault posting this thing i dont know that expect . . . . only thing that i need is a place were i can post it
  7. I hurry to say this theory if I say the logical and mathematical proofs there is a great chance that the date of work will be taken from my own hands respect that some people do not accept the given visions without clear evidence and experiments it would be absurd to try to convince you with words so I hope that during the winter I can officially present it
  8. you decide if that information is impotant
  9. our world is based on a fundamental interaction that interaction is base of everything time,space,mater..... comes from this interaction first of all you need to know that nothing dont exist speed of light is a speed limitation for things that exist in time-space contiunium there is not only 3 spatial dimension they what should i do what is the best method to spread information what should i do what is the best method to spread information
  10. what you mean write the number corect ?

    fibonaci number is a interval betwen 1.6-1.69999999

    dosent matter what interval you use

    and btw this is nimber represent my own measure

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  11. with spreading information and matematical argument
  12. i create a theory that can explain everything but i need help
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