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Everything posted by peterwlocke

  1. we evolve slowly and this is something from back then.
  2. peterwlocke


    heh well I should retcon that I do play some sports like wrestling but it is mainly for college and fun.
  3. 1. that is more of an opinion thing but it depends if they state how they will use your info in the contract. 2.idk 3.idk by combining the info so it is spread in fewer things. like how you can use Gmail instead of giving it to many sites but I could be wrong. 4.if they don't show you or your stuff. but you should be able to block your property. this is just my observation
  4. peterwlocke


    I could care less about sports but how is cricket like chess.
  5. thanks. I should of thought of that thanks for the jump start.
  6. what can they apply this to?
  7. not that I am a genius(or get 4.0) but I come from an underperforming school where the only people who are sci nuts are me and my brother I think only one other kid is attempting to build a rocket. also, I am not good at starting convos but online it is a bit easier because it is not face to face. along with a host of other reasons.
  8. true, but the risk of letting her in is too great and she already was like screw you I don't see how she will contribute.
  9. yah I was wondering what kind of format for note taking and questions I could use. sorry
  10. found this series so I can learn chem write questions and notes in a notebook for active learning.
  11. hey, at least it is agreed that it must be stopped. also, how can you stop extream hate with diplomacy if you first don't make them concede(let it be known that we aren't taking their s... after we deal them a death blow like Hiroshima and Nagasaki a necessary evil(but that could be argued to make us as bad as them(but they started it and we just want it to never happen again)? I know it did not work with the Germans after ww1 but if they change it a bit.
  12. oh, it is volatile and causes fast reactions.
  13. i know but they are prob a scammer.
  14. well, it was her decision to go there and she seems anti Europe I mean saying the bombings where okay. we don't need people like that. it is sad but she made a decision a treasonous one and should be left to her just desserts.
  15. Nah bruh I found them to be really respectful about it. how else could Phi be so glorious?
  16. no i was saying that you need proof to prove something and nothing proves god
  17. yeah, like faith proves nothing where is something that really proves it.
  18. how does chlorine trifluoride work?
  19. @doug68Us2 Wow cant wait to look at this busy at the moment but i have a couple ideas
  20. oh i see. well there is other cool stuff you can do. i made glowy e coli i was not allowed to buy pathogenic tho.
  21. hmm, not something to try till I am in college then. I guess I will stick with bacterial transformation buffers.
  22. like how does it do the stuff with oxidation?
  23. litmus. also some computer stuff/print sheets
  24. oh my bad i think i misspelled it. I meant trifluoride.
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