So you're suggesting to allow Russia into NATO, which was designed mainly for North Atlantic countries (I don't know if Russia qualifies as a North Atlantic country, and if it is this makes perfect sense), but there is also SEATO (South East Asian Treaty Organisation) that could also be a viable option. I do not know if SEATO has been as successful as NATO, but it could also be an option. My main question though is what should be done with the current land the Russians have taken from Ukraine, because I highly doubt they will willingly give up land that gives them access to warm water ports. It will harm their economy, and limit their trading options again. Yet at the same time allowing the Russians to keep the land sets a precedence very similar to what was done with Germany prior to World War II, so only telling them to not do something and then not follow through with what was said allows them to continuously keep toeing the line and getting away with more. This is quite obviously a case of where if you give the Russians an inch, they'll take a mile. So if you could suggest a method of where both parties benefit, without causing a war, that would help with clarification.