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Everything posted by MARIO PROVIDEL

  1. Hi chemistry lovers: Am Mario from Chile am a real amateur in the subject but with a purpose in mind due an ore that I found in a piece of land belonging to my family, thing is that I started a process for the values in this through a roasting (due the sulfides) then I did smelt it using sodium carbonate and borax acid and I did wash with water to get the rest of sodium carbonate, then I washed with muriatic acid and then with water, all of this steps were done in a glass vessel then I did set half of the ore and filled with near half of the vessel with chlorine and did fill time in time few drops of muriatic until reached the other half of the vessel, reaction was violent with lot of foam and did take precautions using gas mask and did it outside.. The other half; I went to the alkaline side and I toke it and sat it in other vessel filled with concentrated sodium hydroxide and chlorine for about three hours and as result the liquid in the vessel turned into dark purple colour, I did separate the liquid and first put denatured alcohol from where I got a white-yellowish cloudy foamy precipitate. for the chlorine-muriatic I did set an aluminum rod to cement and as result were ochre and black values in the bottom i need to solve the final question: ...what are these?..how can I improve the process using common elements?... is there a optimal dose to maximize the results?
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