OK thanks a lot! So, if I understood correctly, in our solar system, we did not define the HZ. So, this representation is correct ?
In fact, I'd like to do a program that says (with the mass of the star, is luminosity and the distance between the planet and the star using Kepler's law) if the planet is or isn't in the habitable zone... So if I understood I must take our actuel delimitation for the solar system and transpose it to another system.
(3,8*10^26)/4*PI*(0,95*1,49*10^11)^2 = 1500 W.m^-2
(3,8*10^26)/4*PI*(2,4*1,49*10^11)^2 = 236 W.m^-2
And I take Kepler 452 with P = 1,2 * 3,8 * 10^26 W
Outer : ((1,2*3,8*1026 )/(4*PI*236))1/2 = 3,9 * 1011 m
Inner : ((1,2*3,8*1026 )/(4*PI*1500))1/2 = 1,55 * 1011 m
For Kepler from 1,55*10^11 to 3,9 * 10^11 m is "habitable" ?