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  1. The main purpose of this forum is to review the techniques and applications of the Monte Carlo method in medical radiation physics with curious and experts researchers in this approach of research seeking to experience exchange. This might be a preliminary stage to start scientific collaborations in near future.
  2. I am a Ph.D. candidate with a theoretical physics background, wanting to pursue his Ph.D. research in situations the small fields dosimetry and radiation transportation using Monte Calo techniques. I have a M.Sc degree in Mathematical Sciences form African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Senegal(2014). Additionally, I have a M.Sc degree in Theoretical Nuclear Physics for Assiut University, Egypt(2018). I am seeking to contact with experts researchers in using MC toolkits, particularly Geant 4 and EGSnrc. My previous research interest was modeling the quark-antiquark interactions in quark model frameworks using the phenomenological ingredients of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). To know more about my previous research publication, please visit my "ResearchGate" link: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mohamed_Ali95
  3. I want help me find Monte Carlo package EGSnrc or any related resources.
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