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Everything posted by superchump
Hmmmm.....so if I break in I get a free phone out of the deal.......cool!
Sorcerer it sounds like you have a grudge against rich individuals. If most of those people earned their money....why CAN'T they do what they want with it? Besides that doesn't stop them from donating a hell of a lot more than most of us put together. Anyhow it also sounds that if we throw enough money at a problem that it will go away. How is that true? The wealthy donate most all of a significant portion of charities in the US and elsewhere anyway. How are you helping in any way besides sitting in front of a computer bitching about how you think space toruism is "wasteful"? If I had money I'd donate AND save for a space trip...does that make me a bad person? The overwhelming majority of federal income taxes are paid by the very highest income earners. The top 1 percent of income earners pays 31.6 percent of all income taxes, the top 5 percent pays 51.4 percent, the top 10 percent pays 63.5 percent, and the top 20 percent of income earners pays 78.4 percent of all federal income taxes. The bottom four-fifths of income earners pay just over one-fifth of all federal income taxes. So why do you care what those wealthy like to do with their money on their spare time? So we go back to the grudge question. What did the wealthy ever do to you? And if nothing I'm going to assume you have no imagination or aspirations past what you see right in front of you.
You forgot to add "with a spacesuit". Or will his Martian friends help him?
Well that makes you the biggest idiot on this board then. It takes me 3 minutes on free software to make my own anaglyphs of the martian surface. Here's an example I just made with Oppy's navcam from sol 201.
Ohhhhhh...I seriously doubt that. Just from that statement I see you know nothing about phyiscs. Good luck with your failure.
Of course extra ignored everything I said in the last two posts. A crackpot always ignores common sense and logic when presented to them. Extra...face it. You have no firepower in this fight. First your seeing sting rays, now your seeing foundations. What's next? Petrified roast beef sandwiches?
Extra...I suppose that aliens made Giant's Causeway too. Because if it looks artifical it just HAS to be....right?
Extra...this image is taken inside a crater....a CRA-TER. I don't see why aliens would lay a foundation on the slope of the inside of a crater with the exact same angle as the crater! Btw...here is the fault color image that shows it's just a larger slab of the bedrock surrounded by smaller slabs of bedrock. http://marsrovers.jpl.nasa.gov/gallery/press/opportunity/20040716a/16-JF-02-crop-B170R1.jpg
I know, I know.
I don't know Tesseract. You could interpret that a different way too...but then again I just may have a dirty mind. In that case you could say "It's everywhere you want to be".
Bathtub gin Sayonara?
hardy har har! You are hereby known as "the pun master"!
What? Those are individual rocks on either side of it. They don't even look like tusks in themselves. Let me ask you this extrasense....what does this look like to you? http://www.kgs.ukans.edu/Extension/KSplaces/visit6.html Now are you going to blatantly say that that is a giant mushroom? How how 'bout these gems? http://www.allfunpix.com/picspages2/weird_rocks.html
I thought I did. Well, look at this Super Skull. Here is the deal: Anyone who will claim that it is a rock including mister O'Keefe and his NASA cohort, will be eligible for double compensation from TV companies for stupidity resulted from watching their programming at early age. So instead of knowing anything about geology and impact ejecta you're saying its a "skull" because it is darker than the others? Maybe you have gone WAAAAAAY off the deep end.
Sorry, I've HAD 3d glasses since Pathfinder. All I see now on your site are rocks in 3d instead of rocks in 2d. Your obsession with these 3d glasses is rather frightening because they do nothing to further your "cause". They're still just odd shaped rocks. Have been, will be. A few individuals in this thread have already pointed out that they have used 3d glasses on your pics as well. And they still also don't agree with you. To us you're just a delusional nut.
Why don't you go chasing after that heat shield a little more. Extrasense you're full of extracrap.
HAHAHAHA...*cough cough*...HAHAHAHA Nice Sayonara
BUT here's the difference. You KNOW those are clouds. Just because something takes on the pattern something else doesn't mean it's a duplicate. Therefore a rock looking like a face, isn't really face; its still a rock. Most people are smart enough to know the difference. Extrasense lacks that distinction. He proabaly thinks I'm "closedminded" which is a trait seen with crackpots.
Well I already HAVE a pair of 3D glasses and guess what? I can now look at extrasense's 3D rocks! Extra...you do know what rocks can be all sorts of crazy shapes and sizes right? Just because you see a squiggly rock doesn't mean its squiggly life. I can tell you're one of those types with an over-active imagination and a need to believe in aliens.