Hi , is it not easier to find a fundamental formula for calculating the mass of elementary particles, for example, the Higgs mass. I'm sure,
that such a formula exists, taking into account size analysis and a combination of fundamental fundamental constants (G, h, c) only, we get a formula where energy is inversely proportional to volume or length to the third power.
$$ E = \frac {G h^2}{ c^2R^3}$$
The relativistic formula is invariant, the volume is reduced, the energy grows.
Now we will substitute in the formula the value of the particle energy E = 100 Gev, we get the average size of length R = 10 {-29} m. Surprisingly, the energy of a particle of the standard model is strictly related to the distance of the theory of great unification according to this formula. Moreover, this is an independent result obtained by a pure formula. This is clearly something fundamental, the formula relates energy to the distance of the theory of great unification, on this scale the particles must have a structure, this is their size. My guess is topological knots or braids. The denser the knot, the higher the energy of the particle.