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  1. Can the voltage adjuster in the imagine i uploaded be able to adjust the current to an electro magnets to make the strength increase and decrease to the strengths I would want them to reach?
  2. Yeah so could I buy a transformer stage / table and could I somehow get it programmed to a dial that I could turn and then it would adjust the power of electro magnet . So I need it so the dial reads 20kg then I could turn it to 30kg and the electromagnet would have more current going to it
  3. Say example there’s 2 poles one side be side, one with an electromagnet on one with a normal magnet, I want to see if I could move the magnets in an up and down motion with the friction of the pull weight of e.g 30kg and then change the pull weight to e.g 60kg using a dial or to what ever weight I needed it to be ? If you understand?
  4. So you could have a limiter somehow installed so the limit doesn’t exceed the limit of current flowing threw
  5. Thanks! Appreciate it
  6. Oh that’s great so could adjust the pull weight of the 2 magnets with translation stages/tables ? And also could you adjust the pull weight to what you wanted . So if i wanted a pull weight of 120kg I could adjust the dial or type in on a screen 120kg it would adjust the that weight
  7. Hi, just a question on electromagnets. If you had 2 electromagnets repelling against each other with a 140kg pull weight, would there be a way you Can adjust the distance between one of the magnets with a dial that could reduce and increase the pull weight ? E.g the further away the magnet the less pull weight it would have e.g 70kg and then turning the dial it to a higher setting it would pull the magnet closer pull the weight to 110kg?
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