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Bufofrog last won the day on February 22 2024

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About Bufofrog

  • Birthday 07/13/1955

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  • Location
    Upstate NY
  • College Major/Degree
    chemical Engineering
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Engineering / Physics
  • Occupation
    Retired Process Engineer

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Primate (9/13)



  1. That's fine. I am out of my depth in many of the discussions on this site. The fact that you realize that is really a good thing, it will motivate you to learn more. If you ask questions the members here will fall all over themselves to help you understand. Good luck on your journey of learning.
  2. Yes. Read the rules for the speculation section of this forum.
  3. Yikes! I think learning a little physics would be much more rewarding than writing 20 chapters of WAGs.
  4. I certainly could be wrong, but this seems to be the product of a random word generator.
  5. So what is the real story?
  6. There is no right and wrong in nature or the universe in general. Right and wrong are made up concepts developed by people. To be clear it is a made up concept that has served mankind very well. The concept of right and wrong allows us to live our lives happily and minimize violence. If a star near us happened to go super nova and there happened to be a polar jet from that star that was pointed towards us and eradicated all life on earth, it would be neither good nor evil, it would just be what happened. I, personally, really embrace the saying "shit happens".
  7. But they are accurately counted, every analysis has supported that. Sure there are some gullible people who say the election was 'stolen', but the evidence says otherwise.
  8. You can't learn physics on a forum. Take some physics classes on line or at a community college, you might find them enjoyable.
  9. You haven't found much support? Golly, what a shocking outcome.
  10. I guess stupid or insane could also apply.
  11. That's good, since if you thought atoms were conscious I would question if you were conscious.
  12. These people are either insane or morons, no amount of actual evidence will ever convince them. It's a complete waste of time to try IMO.
  13. It seems to me that our 'fine-tuned universe' is actually not conducive to life at all. So much so that there is only a thin shell around a single planet where life has managed to hold on as far as we know. There are over 5000 exoplanets that have been discovered and the overwhelming majority of them could not harbor life and most probably none of them contain life. Life on earth appears to be a lucky fluke.
  14. I think the simplest experiment would be for the astronauts on the ISS to take a picture of the earth. The flat earthers beliefs are not based on logic or facts so trying to use logic or facts to convince them is a waste of time.
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