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Everything posted by Bufofrog

  1. For the love god can we send this to the Trash Can?!!
  2. Learning is what it is all about. If you are not sure about an aspect of science ask a question, this site has a lot of very smart people willing to help. I have learned a lot from the people on this site.
  3. That means there haven't been any. That is not a reactionless drive. Newton's third law of motion.
  4. Yes, you are wrong period. Reactionless drives are not possible.
  5. There is no physics here, just a big bowl of word salad.
  6. I don't think this discussion is going to last very much longer...
  7. The large dinosaurs died out 65,000,000 years ago and the pyramids were built about 4,500 years ago. There is no evidence that the gravity on the surface of the earth was any different in the past.
  8. I can't believe your saying that either.
  9. You disagree with what exactly? What do you mean when you say UAPs are real? Do you mean people really aren't able to identify things in the air sometimes?
  10. By definition UAPs are unidentified so trying to describe the drive of something that has not even been identified is a waste of time.
  11. It sounds like you are describing a reactionless drive, so unfortunately it will not work.
  12. As Genady pointed out the op is plagiarized. @Vette888you should know plagiarism is frowned upon
  13. I hope your answer to your question was adequate.
  14. Doesn't the second statement contradict the first statement since the apple consists of molecules?
  15. Let me be the 3rd person to ask you what is quantum magnetism? Maybe this is a better question, is quantum magnetism different from regular magnetism? If so what is the difference?
  16. I believe at some point you may make a post that isn't completely wrong, I don't know when it will happen, but I believe there is a chance it will happen at some point.
  17. I am sure they could, I am also equally sure that North Korea would nuke Seoul. They could and then Pakistan would would nuke New Delhi.
  18. I doubt there could be a world war again it's not like you can actually invade a nuclear power and take them over. There can be world conflict, but not a world war like WWII IMO.
  19. I think the problem here is that you do not understand how a particle can be it's own anti-particle. So you say, "this is what it really means". What you should say is, "How can a particle be it's own anti-particle?" Then other members can help you learn instead of them just telling you that your ideas are wrong. That seems like a more fruitful discussion.
  20. This appears to be a thread designed to "get under peoples skin". In other words you seem to be trolling, what is the point of doing that?
  21. Just to add to what was already said, there are no actual paradoxes or contradictions.
  22. So you have answered your own question (According to mainstream physics: Is heat "destroyed" in a heat engine?) and the answer is no. So are we done here?
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