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Everything posted by Bufofrog

  1. deleted.
  2. You actually said "I was able to establish indisputably some number of my past incarnations". That is a very bold claim. Could you present your evidence? If you have this indisputable evidence I certainly would like to see it since it would change my world view.
  3. Saying that over and over does not make it true.
  4. Do you have any evidence of these tests and what they showed. If 'they' refused to release the results how do you know what the results are? Apparently there are many thousands of these stone vases owned by thousands of people and organizations, so I am not sure who these people are that you say are trying to control all of the vases. I don't even know why you think someone would try to hide how they were 'really' made.
  5. Bye, hope you get some rest.
  6. Yes No, since a photon has no valid rest frame. What do you mean by 'REALLY'? From the frame of the ball the launcher had a parabolic motion and from the frame of the launcher the ball went straight up and down and from the frame watching the ball and the launcher move the ball makes a parabolic motion. Each of these statements are correct. Your difficulty in seeing this is your problem but with a bit of effort you could understand it.
  7. So according to you the observer moving with the light clock would see that the light clock was operating properly, but the observer not moving with the clock would see that the light clock does not work because the light would miss the mirror?
  8. Random quotes from random people is not evidence. The aquatic ape theory doesn't hold water (pun intended).
  9. Ah-ha, another conspiracy by the new world order. The skulls were deformed purposely by binding the skulls of the children in some early civilizations in South America.
  10. It has already been explained to you in this thread and it doesn't seem to have helped you understand. I doubt I can explain it to you any better, so I am afraid you may just have to remain sad.
  11. Sorry, I don't agree, so I guess that's sad for you.
  12. No, the acceleration due to gravity is the same whether you are moving or not. In fact if you fired a perfectly horizontal gun and at the instant you fired the gun you dropped a bullet from the same height as the barrel, both bullets would hit the ground at the same time. This scenario would actually probably only work perfectly in a vacuum.
  13. The question the person asked seemed to be clearly referring to absolute motion and your short answer is bound to cause him confusion instead of helping him to understand.
  14. Here is some evidence of electrons exceeding 2 x 10^8 m/s. Cherenkov radiation:
  15. As other have pointed out the stars are in constant motion. The stars in constellations are also not typically even gravitationally bound to each other. Here is a view of Ursa Major (the big dipper) from a view different than earth. That is right there is no absolute motion, all motion is relative.
  16. Not really. Pumping someone full of drugs to keep them unconscious for a year sounds terrible. If they could survive I assume they would be pretty useless for months upon waking.
  17. -1 for your insistence on using this terrible formatting and your reluctance to use LaTex. It's bad enough that your ideas are wrong but to then make these ideas almost unreadable is intolerable.
  18. No, the galaxies are not moving away from us through space at that speed. The galaxies are not moving through space at that speed relative to us so the KE equation you presented does not apply.
  19. Except you can't go back in time and dimensions are orthogonal to each other.
  20. We have time machines? I think time machines would be a pretty big discovery in the past 50 years...
  21. A silly SciFi story is not classical physics. Not a good start...
  22. Well said...
  23. Nah, you're just obsessing about your idea.
  24. No, why would it? That is a really odd thought experiment. First that presupposes that the scientist believe in god. Secondly what sentient being in their right mind would challenge the creator of the universe?
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