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Everything posted by Bufofrog

  1. Well that is too bad because that is clearly wrong. There is matter in the universe, that due to the expansion of the universe, has a recession velocity greater than the speed of light therefore that matter cannot be exerting any gravitational effect on our region of space. IOW matter that has a recession velocity greater than c cannot transmit any signal we could detect.
  2. So you refuse to discuss this here. Why is that? One obvious reason is that there is no classified information. You seem to think there is. Why do you think that? How can anyone help with your idea if you refuse to share it!?
  3. What information do you think was classified?
  4. Try describing the event here and the we can discuss it.
  5. Please present you idea here, I don't want to go to your website. This site is for discussion not advertising.
  6. None of the models describe the "true" form of gravity. The models are useful approximations of what is "really" happening.
  7. Because the water is much more dense than the steam. In other words there are many more high temperature molecules in contact with your skin in water than in steam, therefore much more heat is transferred to your skin from the water.
  8. In your other thread you said the aether was heat. I guess you just make this stuff up as you go along? In any rate neither of these OPs are physics.
  9. When the yeast is added to the wort there are around 3 billion yeast cells per liter after 2 days there are about 35 billion yeast cells per liter.
  10. Reproducing ALOT.
  11. No, there still is no free energy.
  12. You used the wrong pronoun. You should have written 'I' instead of 'we'.
  13. I'm glad you survived.
  14. I really like this analogy.
  15. Mixing religion into the science sections does not bode well... You don't seem to actually have a model of the universe it appears you have some speculations about the universe.
  16. Well that is some pretty convincing evidence.🙄
  17. In the above scenario it would seem that the choice of lubricants should be the least of your of your worries.
  18. Nope, personally I could care less, I was just pointing out what was in the bible that refuted your earlier statement. Where did you get that from?? I think it is pretty clearly stated he was drunk and asleep.
  19. The story of Noah and his son Ham seems weirdly over the top against nudity.
  20. It appears your expectations were not met.
  21. I would think not since they red shifted for distant objects. I have no idea how that could happen, so it doesn't seem likely. I believe that is correct.
  22. You said, "All we have are measurements of spectral emission lines from type 1a supernovae". The spectral emission lines are from the galaxy not the supernova. The type 1a supernova have the same absolute magnitude. By comparing the apparent magnitude to the absolute magnitude you can calculate the distance to the galaxy. So therefore you can then relate the redshift (recession speed) of the galaxy to the distance of the galaxy calculated from the supernova.
  23. That is imprecise and incorrect. It would seem to me that you should have a good understanding of a theory before you dismiss it.
  24. So this is "The Problem"? It doesn't seem to be a big problem at all...
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