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Everything posted by Bufofrog

  1. My guess is that he didn't respond because he just spouted off some gibberish and has nothing else to say.
  2. You should probably give up on this, you really don't seem to have any idea what you are talking about.
  3. I think some parts may be missing in the equation.
  4. So this metric is involves the very early universe?
  5. So wealth is not really an illusion. Got it. So there is a need for government oversight and regulation of capitalism. I agree, because I am a rationalist, which also means I am a liberal.
  6. There are kits you can buy on line to test the purity of gold using acid. They are cheap and easy to use.
  7. Huh? What? What are you some kind of liberal socialist or something?
  8. Please contact your doctor or family members and let them know about these thoughts you are having. Take care and have a good day.
  9. I would use a handheld XRF Spectrometer. It gives you an instant qualitative and quantitative results of the alloy. Quite impressive instruments; I used one for a while a few years back.
  10. You really seem enjoy indulging in fantasy. Physicist on the other hand do the hard job of science and discovery.
  11. We didn't mean to force your hand!! For the love of God, please don't criticize the theoretical physics community.
  12. Bufofrog


    Deleted since I cannot do arithmetic, this morning.
  13. Your just not going to answer my questions? I don't understand your reluctance. Since you seem adverse to discussing the Y-axis, could you at least state what the X-axis is, it is not labeled. Is it the radius of the universe?
  14. That is not very helpful. On your graph does the inflation end where the arrow ends or is inflation represented by the entire Y-axis? So on the Y-axis where you have E, you really mean energy density? It would really help me to understand the graphs if you answered my questions.
  15. I'm trying to understand the graphs in the OP. I guess you need specific questions. On the legend for the Y-axis you have the words inflation and energy. Both inflation and energy have up arrows so I assume that the 2 quantities are increasing. Does the Y-axis have 2 continuous values, both inflation and energy? Or does the bottom half of the graph use inflation as a Y-axis and the top of the graph use Energy for the Y axis? What are the units of inflation? What does it mean for inflation to increase? What Energy are you talking about? Hopefully, you will be able to clarify these items which will be a start.
  16. You posted it on another site and I saw it. That doesn't have anything to do with the graphs that supposedly show the 'evolution of the universe'. So you still have not explained what the graphs in the OP are suppose to mean. The graphs are not in any normal format that I have ever seen, so an explanation would be very helpful.
  17. That cannot be a stable configuration, I suppose there could be some sort of infinitesimal time period where this occurs during the formation of a black hole. Black hole. It would be come a black hole.
  18. Those are graphs not 'pictures'. I have seen it before. You've never been able to give a reasonable explanation of what you think these graphs represent.
  19. My dad use to say a benign dictatorship is the best form of government, but unfortunately there is no way to keep it benign over time.
  20. No light is not 'deflected' by gravity. Spacetime is warped by gravity and a photon travels in a straight line through the warped spacetime. Do you have citation for this claim.
  21. Don't hijack threads to discuss your own ideas.
  22. My vote is that you are the worst communicator on this site
  23. No, it obviously was not.
  24. I guess that is your problem in a nut shell. This site is not about winning anything, this site is about understanding and learning about science. Your conjectures have been refuted and if refusing to acknowledge that means you 'won', then I guess all I can say is congratulations.
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