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Everything posted by Bufofrog

  1. That doesn't sound like a big problem, you should mention it to your Dr. on your next visit. Hallucinations are a bit more concerning. If this is a one off thing, I would not be too concerned, if this happens with any regularity you should definitely consult your Dr.
  2. No, it was Arnold Schwarzenegger that said that,
  3. This is the conclusion at the end of the of the 2 introductory paragraphs from your source. Those who believe in the reality of NDE assert that the patient remembers what happened during the flat-EEG period, but this is not conclusively scientifically verifiable. So your source does not support your assertion. From this same site this was said: "A believer, when evaluating cases of NDE, cannot exclude the intervention of the devil during the final stage of recovering from a state of coma. The devil, as theology tells us, is able to induce dreams or visions." This a religious site and not a scientific site. As such it is not exactly a good source to cite for a scientific discussion.
  4. No I wasn't kidding. Unfortunately, this citation does not seem to support your claim. You claim: "I still can't figure out how someone can experiment perceptions with a flat electrical brain activity signal, which is what most of the cases describe anyway." I am still wondering if you have a citation for this claim or is it something you just believe without evidence.
  5. Am I to assume that you do not have a citation for this claim of yours?
  6. Thanks for the heads up. I typically don't watch these videos, but based on your description I watched this one. It is pretty hilarious!😄
  7. I have heard theist say this often. I don't see how the lack of belief or faith is a religion. The lack of belief is not essential. I never really think about it. The only time I really think about is if somebody asks or I see a post like this. It is like if someone asks me if I believe bigfoot exists, I would say no, but it certainly is not some belief that is important or somehow defines who I am.
  8. Observation and experimentation show that the curvature involves spacetime not just space.
  9. Well for almost 200 years that is exactly what white men have done in US, so I am not sweating this particular "injustice". She is also clearly qualified so, what the hey...
  10. Please supply a citation for this claim.
  11. Seems like we are getting off into the weeds. The point is there is no evidence that a dead person has ever come back to life.
  12. I know this is just a simple typing error (which I do all the time) but it really cracked me up.
  13. That is exactly what the followers of all the other Lords say. Weird ain't it?
  14. Strangely enough, I disagree.
  15. I assume that once you die your body stops repairing itself so decompositions begins. Don't know why that is important, the main point remains, dead things don't come back to life.
  16. Which Lord? What if you pick the wrong Lord? Your escape route sucks! "Here are 50 doors, one leads to paradise and the other 49 lead to Hell, good luck!"
  17. Neither, the people in the article were not actually dead, I noticed that one or two posters had pointed this out to you. No need for decomposition, just actually dead. I know of no case where a person who has died and come back to life. I know there are Reader Digest stories like "I Was Dead For 5 Minutes" but dead people don't come back to life in reality.
  18. I see, so you are not actually talking about someone who has died and then came back to life. That makes much more sense.
  19. So you don't have any evidence for this claim. If you can't find evidence for your claim, I am certainly not going to do it for you. I will have to assume your great-aunt Clara told you dead people come back to life and for some reason you believed her.
  20. Do you have any evidence or sources for this claim?
  21. I am not aware of any historical evidence that dead people can come back to life. Could you supply the sources for this claim? You are still violating rule 2.7 by the way since you have to go to your link to see the experiment.
  22. You can speculate he misspoke, or the guy that wrote the story got it wrong, or that Jesus forgot he was God.
  23. I can't envision him not running. He can't let go of the fantasy that he was cheated out of the last election, so he needs to win the next one in his mind to prove he was right. I think he will announce his candidacy right after the midterms.
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