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Everything posted by Bufofrog

  1. That of course is speculation. There is only one planet in the universe that we know has intelligent life. There is only 1 planet where we know of ANY life occurring. You can speculate anything you want. You can speculate that the whole story of Jesus was just made up, or that he was a magic pelican that could transform himself into a human or that he is God.
  2. The Japs? You are starting to sound like a bit of a bigot.
  3. I don't know why they wrote the gospels. The bible is your evidence? That is not evidence.
  4. What is your evidence that this actually occurred?
  5. That is not fact, that account is in only one text that also has accounts of the supernatural and as such is suspect. I have never publicly or privately heard any Jew bad mouth Jesus. This seems to be some made up antisemitic hogwash.
  6. Why would a Jew care one way or the other about Jesus? So you are assuming there are only men on this forum, or are you assuming people like other people?
  7. Or the more rational explanation, which is that these are just myths
  8. Huh? That seems rather strange...
  9. Maybe, maybe not. The only mention of this is in a religious text so it is no where near a historical fact.
  10. Seems like a science background would tend to make the paranormal irrelevant.
  11. Radiation is a rather broad area. Radiation from the sun heats the earth. Radiation from the sun help humans to synthesize vitamin D. Ionizing radiation on the other hand can be quite dangerous and deadly at high levels of exposure.
  12. You're not even trying anymore, are you...
  13. No, they really don't. The venus fly trap is a plant and the mantis is an insect, so what are you talking about?
  14. I certainly hope you are simply 'pulling our leg' with this.
  15. I recommend you tell your primary care physician about this. Good luck!
  16. In the bible it is written that God is a jealous and vengeful god. So it is not surprising that hell would be for vengeance and not so much for justice.
  17. Yes.
  18. I don't think it is a fundamental human right. Freedom of thought certainly is but in much (most?) of the world the freedom of speech is not a right. In much of the world the wrong words can get you imprisoned or killed.
  19. In your OP you said, "Is there intrinsic value (not given by humans) to different species", but these comments are all about human values, so I am not sure what you are trying to say.
  20. Maybe he is a good person?
  21. Sure. There several members who have a good understanding of general relativity and quantum mechanics so you could get useful feedback on your idea.
  22. I agree, the answer is very simple, it is never justified. Yes, yes I know, but it is never justified, even if...
  23. Your first post is an insult to someone from a decade old post? This should be mildly interesting....
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