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Everything posted by Bufofrog

  1. Could you rephrase the question and supply more information?
  2. It really isn't that hard, an animal cannot be alive and dead at the same time. No math is necessary to understand this.
  3. Well, the extinctions that man is causing is of course natural. We just feel bad that our species is the cause to the extinctions, I certainly wish we weren't doing it.
  4. Then why did you write, "This thought experiment attempts to show how cosmological redshift is NOT a Doppler effect", if we already know it is not a doppler effect?
  5. I didn't think the current understanding of the cosmic redshift was due to the doppler effect.
  6. Sorry if this is off topic, but try grasping something without using your pinky and then grasp the same thing without using your pointer finger, you should find that your grasp is stronger with you using your pinky.
  7. In another thread you said that you accept that whales evolved to have no legs and that snakes evolved to be legless, so why do you take issue with others who also believe evolution? Don't you see a problem here??
  8. So you do believe that evolution occurs but you call it something else. Well that's a rather strange way to deny evolution, just call it something else. Rather odd rationalization to say the least... By the way, I get the whales evolving to be aquatic and snakes evolving to be legless, but what is the little finger thing?
  9. You could have somebody else carry the weights for you. If you want something that has weight in water but not out, I think your out of luck....
  10. I agree. A quote from the first article: The scientists posit that ADHD symptoms and traits, including failure to give close attention to detail, impulsivity, forgetfulness, risk-taking behaviors, and more might explain the elevated probability of exposure to Sars-Cov-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, in this group.
  11. Orion should be visible from London. Your sky chart may not be for your location or the right time of the year.
  12. You should have named this thread "Things I didn't know about God". These stories are in the part of the bible that was before the invention of Heaven so death was a bigger deal in those days.
  13. This headline isn't science. Edited to add "headline".
  14. We have theorized dark matter based on it's gravitational attraction, so saying dark matter might have negative mass effects makes no sense.
  15. Thanks, that description certainly is pretty angel like!
  16. I do not know of any description of angels in the old testament. I only recall writings along the lines of, "an angel of the lord appeared to him...", with no description at all.
  17. Angels were invented in the old testament and were never described physically.
  18. The maximum theoretical efficiency of photosynthesis is 26% and the actual utilization is less than that. The average human has a surface area of a bit under 2 m^2 so that means the you would get less than 2 megajoules per day. You would also need thin translucent thin skin and spend most your time in the sunshine. You would also have to find some method to obtain the nutrients that are necessary. I still do not think a photosynthesizing large mobile animal makes sense.
  19. It seems to me that there is not enough energy from sunlight to sustain a large mobile creature. I base that on the fact that there has been life that is sustained by sunlight only for billions of years and yet there have never been (AFAIK) any photosynthesizing life larger than microscopic that was mobile.
  20. Magnetic fields don't warp space. You can't move faster than light. No thanks, seems like not that great sci fi.
  21. Anti-5G bracelets? Oh, for the love of...🙄
  22. Yes you are correct heavy water has some slightly different properties than normal water due to the higher mass of the heavy water molecule. These are subtilties that I don't think the OP is asking about, he does not seem to understand that the chemical properties of the elements are to the most part due to the electrons configurations in the elemental atoms.
  23. The OP was asking about elements.
  24. That's probably true. In about a billion years from now the oceans will have boiled away and then life will end.
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