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Everything posted by Bufofrog

  1. You seem to be just trolling at this point.
  2. Next time you are shopping and the cashier gives you change, you better make sure the change is in base 10. You don't want to get screwed!
  3. You should understand that your entire post makes no sense. Also this should not be in the science section, it should be in the speculation section.
  4. Every country that is a theocracy or has a state sponsored religion ends up persecuting to some extent people who practice a religion that is not the state sponsored religion. Religion should not be sponsored by the state, it is a dangerous path. Some people say the laws in the USA are based on bible but that is clearly false.
  5. AlexandrKushnirtshuk refuses to even attempt to give answers to any questions. Seems like it is time to close this...
  6. Look attentively at the Stereo web site. https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/stereo/news/fast-cme.html
  7. Not surprisingly this is not correct. The CME on July 23, 2012 was one of the fastest CMEs recorded. It hit the Stereo satellite about 17 hours after it left the sun and then hit the earths orbit a short time later.
  8. What do you mean by net charge? There are 7 protons on the left and 7 protons on the right, so it balances.
  9. I would like you to answer the question of why these "regularities" support your ideas. The coincidence of the apparent diameters of the Sun and the Moon in the sky. The coincidence of the axial periods of rotation of the Sun and the Moon (27 days). Only Mercury and Venus have no satellites. Only Mercury and Venus have incommensurably large periods of rotation around their axes 58 and 243 days, respectively (Earth, Mars – 1 day; Jupiter, Saturn – 16, 17 hours; Uranus, Neptune – 9, 10 hours). In each lower conjunction (that is, during the closest approach to the Earth) Venus is facing the Earth by the same side. For instance Venus and Mercury do not have moons, why does that support your idea? I do not understand. Could you help me to understand?
  10. Dimensionally inconsistent does mean it's wrong. No one is panicking, there is just mild curiosity about how you came up with such a terribly wrong equation.
  11. I also wonder why you won't answer any of our questions.
  12. Just out of morbid curiosity, are you saying the earth is larger than the sun?
  13. That is a CME You still have not answered the question. How does this "regularity" support your conjectures? If the galaxies that we see are in the Oort cloud (according to your conjectures), does that mean that those galaxies are very, very small?
  14. When you say lens flare I assume you mean Coronal Mass Ejection. I don't know what you think needs an explanation. I wish you would answer Swansont's question about how these statements support your ideas: The coincidence of the apparent diameters of the Sun and the Moon in the sky. The coincidence of the axial periods of rotation of the Sun and the Moon (27 days). Only Mercury and Venus have no satellites. Only Mercury and Venus have incommensurably large periods of rotation around their axes 58 and 243 days, respectively (Earth, Mars – 1 day; Jupiter, Saturn – 16, 17 hours; Uranus, Neptune – 9, 10 hours). In each lower conjunction (that is, during the closest approach to the Earth) Venus is facing the Earth by the same side.
  15. Here is an easier experiment: 1. Go outside. 2. Glance at the sun, don't stare at it. If there is sunshine then your conjecture is incorrect. Please run this experiment and report back with your results.
  16. I hope you are joking. You know light travels 300,000 km/sec, right? Those are going to be big mirrors!!
  17. It is not like that, the barycenter is in the wrong place. Convince me you are right with evidence. That is the location of the barycenter for the sun and ALL of the planets together. Notice that even with the gravity of all of the planets, the barycenter is still closer to the sun than your representation of the Sun-earth barycenter.
  18. Your drawing makes no sense to me. It looks like you are saying that Mercury and Venus orbit the sun but the sun orbits the Earth??? The common center of mass between the Earth and the Sun (barycenter) is well within the radius of the Sun.
  19. Huh? That is not even close to correct! Maybe it is a language issue?
  20. You mean like this? Winners of more than one lottery. I believe most mutations are neutral. A beneficial mutation will be favored and will not be spread through the population by random chance, it will be spread because the mutation will tend to make those animals with the mutation more likely to reproduce. So it is not like the lottery.
  21. Thank you. You need to tie continent formation to the blobs, just stating what you think is not enough. You make many assertions here without discussing viable mechanisms.
  22. If your conjecture states this is impossible and yet it occurs, then your conjecture must be incorrect. Right?
  23. Do you have evidence for these formations?
  24. x^2 does not equal x/x, it equals x*x.
  25. Since the Bohr model is wrong, wouldn't make more since to use a better model for your conjectures?
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