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Everything posted by Bufofrog

  1. You are the one who making a scientific discussion difficult, if not impossible.
  2. You got that concept wrong as usual. I now assume that you are either a poorly written bot or a person just pulling our collective leg. Nobody could be that confused and still be able use a computer. So have fun, I guess.
  3. No, not cool or interesting. I would say it is silly.
  4. Numerology is not common sense, it is garbage.
  5. Agreed. They might as well worry that someone is going to break into their house and steal turds out of the cats litter box. No. No. No.
  6. I am sure they are grateful for the credit you are giving them.
  7. Pretend I don't want to watch a youtube video, what is the demon core?
  8. No one claimed that they do not have conscious experiences, that would be bizarre. Now you are claiming people may not be sentient. Are you trying to look ridiculous? If so you are succeeding.
  9. Phobos is not in a synchronous orbit with mars. It orbits faster than mars rotates, therefore tidal forces decelerate phobos. The angular momentum is transferred to mars causing it to rotate slightly faster.
  10. A cruddy commercial?!
  11. I worked on installing a manufacturing line that needed 12 workers per shift to run. 20 years ago a line that produced the same volume of product would have employed 50 to 60 people per shift. My job after helping to install the line was to eliminate 5 of those jobs. The stated goal of the corporation that I worked for was to have 'dark' factories. In other words since there are no people working the lights aren't needed. I have seen what the current level of automation is and I am not as confident as you that there is no issue.
  12. Same that will happen to all the other workers. I don't know what the answer is to the looming crisis is, but the crisis is coming.
  13. This is clearly a waste of time.
  14. So one dog can't see another dog it can only visually detect the other dog? How is that not just semantics? Of course it can! Do you think it is liver or kidney activity? Nope, there is no sound for instance, just pressure waves that our brain interprets as sound.
  15. It sounds like you are asking, describe exactly how consciousness works. I think it is safe to say science does not have this answer. How do you think you get from 1 to 2?
  16. No. If you freeze a dead person, you will have a frozen corpse, if thaw it you will have a warm corpse. Maybe, possibly, there is an outside chance that in the future there may be a technology to freeze a living person and revive them later. Currently, freezing a living person is called murder.
  17. The photo receptors in your eye send a signal to your brain when a photon of the appropriate wavelength hits the receptor. Your brain processes that signal as a color. There is no 'color' outside of your brain, just photons of different wavelengths. You seem to be saying something more is going on. What do you think this something is?
  18. You are quite the drama queen.
  19. I'm not scared, I'm impressed. This a really well designed language generator.
  20. Write a paper and submit it to a respected medical journal. I don't believe that is what the FDA does. Their job is to review developed drugs for safety and efficacy.
  21. What is it?
  22. What is? What is warp speed? Speed with no weight? Huh? What speed limit?
  23. What is polymorphic spacetime and what is the evidence for it?
  24. Nope. These are based on scientific discoveries that were built upon other scientific discoveries. Babylonian science discovered that the sun is a God. Gluttons for punishment?
  25. Do you have evidence that your toothpaste hypothesis is based on ancient Babylonian science? You seem to be using modern scientific discoveries, which you don't subscribe, at least you said you don't.
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