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Everything posted by Bufofrog

  1. It depends on how the code is written.
  2. The only important information is what you are experiencing, just relate that to your doctor.
  3. No.
  4. Why would he fall faster than light?
  5. At that point it would become part of evolution, but CRISPR itself is not part of evolution IMO.
  6. I would say no. CRISPR has nothing to do with evolution.
  7. I disagree. The points that can be explained should be.
  8. It's hard to put a stop to an urban legend. For instance the majority of the republicans in the USA think the last presidential election was fraudulent. Never underestimate the stupidity of people.
  9. No.
  10. If only you were, then you could learn something. It's a real shame IMO. This is pointless. To your credit you have been able to annoy me.👍 I'm out, have a good one. 🤣 OK, now I'm out, glad I checked one last time. That's a hoot!
  11. I would explain it to you but history has shown that you will ignore the answer or dismiss it, so why bother. I will ask you how do you think solar cells work. I also suggested you goggle "how does a photon transfer energy to an object". With any luck you will be able to find a description that is simple enough for you to understand. Good luck!
  12. A photon that no longer exists cannot be measured. Is this not obvious to you?
  13. I guess you're done with the tides discussion?
  14. No it's your bad faith arguing that leads me to that conclusion. Is that what you think is going on here, your genius is not being recognized?
  15. That and other comments simply sounds like anti-science trolling.
  16. Ha ha, it sure doesn't. Do you know what a bad faith argument is?
  17. Using a polarizer. You can easily look it up, just google, "how to measure the spin of a photon". You seem to have this attitude that if you don't know something or if it doesn't make sense to you then it must be wrong.
  18. I don't want to watch a Youtube. Since this is a discussion forum perhaps you could let us know what in the video you find interesting.
  19. Because that is how graphs are made. The graph you supplied makes no sense at all.
  20. I'm not sure what that graph is supposed to tell us, but it sure isn't a Minkowski diagram. The only way that graph makes sense is if t'= -t and x' = -x
  21. I would do it the way the Clauser and Aspect's experiments did it. That is not true. The uncertainty principle say for certain pairs of measurements you cannot give an accurate measurement of BOTH of the attributes at the same time. You would need some sort of spaceship.
  22. There is nothing wrong with having unsupported beliefs IMO, but they certainly are not science.
  23. I seriously don't believe you. If this was a good faith question I would take the time to answer you but you are simply denying theories that you don't understand, so it would be a waste of my time. Just read and try to understand the article that you provided, the answer to your 'serious' question is in the article.
  24. Mr. Srocket, if you would have read (and understood) the article you supplied you too would know that dark matter and dark energy are completely different things and not somehow 'intertwined'.
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