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Everything posted by Bufofrog

  1. It just has silver tarnish on it, let a jeweler fix it. Easy and cheap. I actually think it looks kind cool like it is, got a pirate vibe to it.😊
  2. I didn't say any universe, I said this universe. To remind you I said: Right, so you are saying there is only enough mass in this universe for 1 sentient life form. So I must repeat, that is preposterous! Only to you.
  3. Right, so you are saying there is only enough mass in this universe for 1 sentient life form. So I must repeat, that is preposterous!
  4. No, you have not come close to making a coherent argument IMO. You are saying there is only enough extra mass(?) for exactly 1 form of sentient life? That is preposterous!I Edit: It also seems that you are allowing nonsentient life in your universe. Nonsentient life requires less extra mass or something?
  5. I'm not really sure exactly what these model actually is that you could falsify. What explicitly is the model?
  6. So what you are saying, is if these things are true and these assumptions are true and we ignore these aspects and we blindly apply these statistics, then this idea may be a possibility? You have not convinced me.
  7. I kept hitting the link and became trapped in a quantum loop thingy.
  8. No, but you can call yourself a scientist if you like. The definition is rather vague on what a scientist is exactly.
  9. The answer is yes. Einstein was clearly a scientist and believed in a God.
  10. According to who? An Earth bound observer and the traveling astronaut will not agree on the length traveled. The astronaut will say the length traveled is shorter. Edit: I see that you clearly implied the Earths frame, my bad.
  11. I looked at the article and it concludes (rather bizarrely) that every extinct hominid of the genus Homo was modern man and every other hominid genus was simian. That means, they are claiming that Homo Erectus was actually Homo Sapiens. See what there trying to do? Homo Erectus did not evolve into modern man he was modern man, therefore no evolution was required. The exact path from Australopithecus to Homo is not clear, so they say nope, no evolution, it never happened, they are just extinct simians end of story. Just for fun the article also stated that 'Darwinism' was the cause of: 1. WW1 2. WW2 3. Communism 4. Destruction of the education system 5. Legal abortions 6. A culture of death (whatever that means?) 7. Bad judges 8. Attacks on the family They conclude that 'Darwinism' is the worst thing to happen to mankind since Adam and Eve got kicked out of the garden. Yikes! That's pretty bad!
  12. Edit: OK got it.
  13. What is R?
  14. In my experience a team is the best approach. I have been on bad teams which of course are not going to succeed. I have also been on teams that were hamstrung be management which didn't work out. But in my years of engineering experience a good team is superior to an individual effort.
  15. Bufofrog


    It's a chemical change, the ionic bonds are broken by the water.
  16. The onus is on you to present compelling evidence. There are perfectly sound theories in the mainstream, your idea is different, so you need to convince me with evidence. You have not done so. Edit: I was some what snarky, but come on, planets are conscience? That is just a tad too far out there...
  17. Bufofrog


    What kind of interaction? You do know you can Google the answer in about 5 seconds?
  18. People seemed curious about that whole, "planets are alive" thing. Or do you feel that has been settled?
  19. Bufofrog


    Sounds like homework. What makes the Na+ and Cl- come apart?
  20. I think this is an example of hope overcoming reason. Michel has to literally see a clock go in slow motion or see a meter stick shrink, anything other than that is fake news to him. He is a lost ball in high weeds...
  21. What is wrong with you? Seriously, what is wrong with you?? You ask the same questions and get the same answers. Wierd, isn't it? Why do you think the answers to your questions are consistent? Your not satisfied with the answers, but for some reason nobody will change their answers to satisfy you! I guess you will just have to keep asking the same questions; the answers are bound to change eventually and satisfy you, right?
  22. Since michel123456 just asks the same questions over and over I think I will look through his threads to copy and paste the answers to his questions to one post. I can then number the answers so that when he asks one of his group of repeating questions you can just write down the number. It will take some time up front but in the long run it will save time for everybody.
  23. Even more ironical.
  24. Maybe he can figure it out by the dashboard lights?
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