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Everything posted by Bufofrog

  1. Ironically enough, that cracked me up...
  2. So the magnetic field doesn't determine tilt? What do you mean by the term substrate? Who is making a conscious decision and how does substrate contribute to decision making?
  3. Mars has no magnetic field and a 25 degree tilt. Venus has no magnetic field and no tilt. How does this mesh with your idea?
  4. You can't post a video to explain you idea. This is a discussion forum, so go ahead and start discussing. I don't think I you will get hostility but you will be challenged.
  5. Why? Maybe the big bang was devised by God. AFAIK every time holy books describe the reason for a natural phenomena they are wrong. However many of the philosophical axioms are useful.
  6. I can't even guess how many times you have asked that question and how many times it has been answered. But I think I get it now. Your ultimate 'truth' is your intuition and what you see with your eyes. If an answer conflicts with your intuition, then it must be wrong. You keep asking the same questions over and over because you are waiting for an answer that agrees with your intuition. Sorry to say that you will never get that answer because your intuition is wrong. Everyones intuition is wrong, at low speeds it does appear that velocities can be added by straight addition, but that is quite simply not true. I'm afraid you're destined to continue to ask the exact same questions that you have been asking for the last 20 years. What a waste of time and effort.
  7. The wind is the movement of Nitrogen, Oxygen, water vapor and other molecules. There are way more than millions. There are about 8 x 10^23 molecules in each cubic foot of air. Why is it hard to believe there are air molecules? What do you think is push the leaves in a wind? Trace elements DO litter the sidewalks! The problem is there isn't very much. If you have to 'mine' 10000 miles of side walks for 1/100 gram of gold, your company won't last long. No. Whoa, that was a rather violent turn onto pseudoscience lane! It appears that in the womb a fetus will react to sound, so I would say the answer no. Hope my answers helped. No.
  8. What has changed to reduce transmission? No, why would it? Another pandemic is inevitable at some point, I do not see the connection with AMR, unless you are saying the next pandemic is going to be bacterial instead of viral.
  9. The weather station is forecasting smoke for the next few days. I live almost 3000 miles from the fires on the west coast of the US. The smoke looks like a thin cover of cirrus clouds that have an orange tint, no smoke at ground level.
  10. So you are seriously saying that if our traveler stopped for a beer with a friend who was already at the bar, that the traveler would see the earth moving away from him while his friend would see the earth as NOT moving away? You are not trying, this is not reflective of 20 years of study.
  11. Do you mean 'prove', like you proved that gravity can pull us through the cosmos?
  12. Yes, I should have said contracts. That is the only comment, nothing about the fact that both time and length 'accumulate'? You are not trying to understand, you are trying not to understand. So I suppose you will spend the next 20 years not understanding. Whatever floats your boat.
  13. But you wrote this strange line. What huge difference are you talking about?? Let's say a space ship flies to Alpha Centauri at 90% c. The ship clock would say the trip took 2.1 years and a clock on Earth would say the trip took 4.9 years, so I guess you would say the time 'accumulated'. However, the ship odometer would say the distance to Alpha Centauri was 1.9 ly and Earth would say the distance was 4.4 ly, so why would you say that distance doesn't 'accumulate? It makes perfect sense that both time and distance dilate since they are both dimensions. Edited for clarity.
  14. I did a quick search and there lots of articles and research papers on the programmed T cells that have been released in the past month. You should check them out.
  15. You are projecting here. Just because you don't understand, it does not mean everyone does not understand.
  16. You seriously have been trying to understand special relativity for 20 years, and you still say things like this? Maybe you should give up. Seriously, at some point you need to realize you're wasting your time.
  17. What does the doctor, who diagnosed your condition think? You should get a second opinion from another doctor if you wish. You should not go to an internet forum for opinions.
  18. Except it doesn't. That reaction is not going to produce significant amounts of phosphine in the environment of Venus. Edit: Inserted 'significant amounts' into the statement.
  19. I think this is a basic misunderstanding. Dark matter is common not rare. Dark matter only extremely rarely interacts with normal matter, except gravitationally. There may be hundreds of millions of dark matter particles passing through your body per second but they just don't interact with the atoms and molecules in your body.
  20. The question seems to vague to fully answer. If you dig a hole with a shovel it is cheaper than renting a backhoe, but it will take lots more time?
  21. Are you asking if the sun's atmosphere protects the earth from cosmic radiation (radiation not from the sun)?
  22. That is not possible. If he was going .9c his travel time would be WAY less than 10 years (too lazy to work it out).
  23. The redshift is due to the expansion of space. The recession velocity is proportional to the distance, due to expansion. There is no movement through space so there is no acceleration. The expansion of space has began to increase but that is not the reason for the red shift. You need to be a bit clearer what you are asking. The BBT matches observations.
  24. You have gotten the thought experiment a bit muddled. Look at this: Schrodingers kitty
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