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  • Location
    Lancashire, UK
  • College Major/Degree
    PhD in Materials Chemistry

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  1. Studiot, it is great to see how we each understood the OP's question and responded with vastly different ideas . Great insight.
  2. Hi Lizwi, This is an interesting question and I have some views about this! Unfortunately in academia there is a battle with this question. The research groups I have worked in have all been open minded about publishing and sharing their work for furthering the knowledge in that area. In many ways you want people to use your work as a basis because then you have instigated that line of research which might lead to a whole bunch of other people's work you are interested in and hopefully they all look to you and appreciate your initial work. The larger science community has to get on board for initial research to become industrially viable and actually useable. On the other hand, you don't want people to beat you by publishing the exact work you are currently working on or want to publish next. It is sometimes good to reach out and collaborate with 'competitors' for the good of science and scientific politics. If you're not willing to do that then it becomes a race. Many of these races for publication results in papers which are sub standard and needed more time and effort on. Of course, it is common to never list your own ideas and 'future work' in extensive detail within the paper but make this more general!
  3. Hi Hamza, Benedict's solution will indeed change from aqua blue to yellow in the presence of glucose and up to a 'hotter' red colour if even more glucose is present. You can see this quite clearly but yes a colourimeter may help you quantify the data. You may need to consider a few things for this experiment. The solution may need heating up for the reaction to work. If the solutions are too opaque to use the colourimeter (as sometimes the machine neede to 'see through' the solution), then try to add less Benedict's solution to start with and maybe dilute your fruit juice down with water, e.g. 1mL juice plus 9mL water provides a 10x weaker signal. For controls you should make sure you test the original value of the fruit juice on its own as this may have a colour itself. You should also consider completing the heating cycle without Benedict's solution for comparison. I hope this helps.
  4. It is strange to think that the majority of the human body is just blank space! Proteins are the main source of our make up, on a molecular level these have covalent bonds but as you build this up into 3-dimensions you have hydrogen bonding and other intermolecular forces which guide the shape of the 3D space within cells and enzymes. As a doctor in materials chemistry I like to visualise that many parts of our bodies are individual components with their own bonds but may not always be bonded with eachother. They can also be physically trapped and also guided in the space by chemical gradients.
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