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el bastardo

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    Beer, Margaritas, Travel
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  • Biography
    Still trying to figure out what my job is.
  • Occupation
    Supreme World Leader


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Quark (2/13)



  1. Now, how can money be worth nothing? It wouldn't be money then, would it?
  2. Please keep in mind, everyone, this is supplemental income (Mo' Money), not "instead of Money". thks, eb
  3. Let's assume for just a second, that a contract could be agreed upon that would double everyone's net income. It would be based on a new "electronic dollar/pound/whatever" and have the value of the local currency. It would be a "World-owned" electronic currency that cannot be traded (in the money market) since its' value is dependent upon which country it was earned in. Therefore, the contract must include a price freeze on all current technology... including raw materials. New technology can get whatever it can get (name your price). The purpose of this "Supplemental Income" is to boost the economies of the world by giving the people (poor people like me... and you?) who spend it more money to spend... which creates more jobs. It also creates a bias toward new technology, I imagine. Suggestion: We should try to bring the salaries of less fortunate countries in line with the rest of the world with other supplements. (I like to travel. I don't particularly care for the poverty in some of the places I visit) Good for the world or bad?
  4. Funny you should mention this. I really shouldn't be saying this so soon but I guess it's time I spilled the beans. I've been the "Leader of the Whole Dadgum World" since the end of March. Since then I've come up with a few laws: 1. All elections can only be won by 99% unanamous decision. If I should ever lose an election, my wife (she helped think of this one) has total veto power to override any future laws made by future "Leaders of the Whole Dadgum World". 2. All persons who do not vote in an election have their default vote go to the encumbant. (that's me) 4. My main function (and only one up to now) is to double your net salary. 5. We also build houses designed to last 1000 years and finance them for 500 years interest free. The first one goes to the oldest person living... then the next oldest and so on. There have been 23 elections to date. I always win by at least a 99% margin. I'll tell you later where to send your income tax returns (to get your salary doubled) Hey... no foolin'... Kiss the baby for me, e.b.
  5. But really now, aren't momentum and (accelerating) expansion pretty different concepts? It sounds like your talking about movement rather than "growth". And speaking of... centrifugal force might have something to do with this expansion (along with vacuum). And why not throw in some original energy (if you can make it produce an "expanding momentum")?
  6. SRT=special relativity theory?... I assume... Ghostpebbles... haha... I know your not trying to say that someone is saying that really little balls "move" really big balls... All I'm trying to say is: ALL the balls are growing proportionally (to each other). There is no gravitational "pull"... anywhere. There is only a push caused by expansion... unless you want to think of a vacuum as being a (gravitational) pull... which is probably one reason why the universe is expanding in the first place... Gravity doesn't exist by the common definition.
  7. not only that... It's bound to be growing @ 32 ft/sec/sec, right?... or what ever that comes out to in wherever... constant acceleration... for a relative eternity... not that I don't appreciate your explanation, Johnny5... but anybody ever tell you .... well... your wordy little bugger.... but I'm sure we all love you...
  8. I wonder how it could be any other way. Common sense tells me that either something is pushing on my feet or something is pushing on my head... many would say, "Some dam thang's pushin' on 'is hed"... ... But I swear I feel it on my feet... The Earth is dam well growin'... dadblastit... an' so is everything else.
  9. The earth doesn't meet the ball unless in the size of the moon, or another stellar object of comparable size and mass. Man, I need to brush up on my English... I don't understand a word... well... I understand the words... just not the order... sorry... ima dumas...
  10. Enter, stage left... e.b. ... el bastardo ... Leader of the whole dadgum world... You lucky devils you...
  11. So what I want to know is when I drop the ball, does the earth come up to meet it? Would this be out of line w/relativity? Can the Earth (and everything else) be expanding (and curving (possibly necessarily) in the case of space, and slowing/speeding in relative (local) perception)?
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