Let's assume for just a second, that a contract could be agreed upon that would double everyone's net income.
It would be based on a new "electronic dollar/pound/whatever" and have the value of the local currency.
It would be a "World-owned" electronic currency that cannot be traded (in the money market) since its' value is dependent upon which country it was earned in.
Therefore, the contract must include a price freeze on all current technology... including raw materials. New technology can get whatever it can get (name your price).
The purpose of this "Supplemental Income" is to boost the economies of the world by giving the people (poor people like me... and you?) who spend it more money to spend... which creates more jobs.
It also creates a bias toward new technology, I imagine.
Suggestion: We should try to bring the salaries of less fortunate countries in line with the rest of the world with other supplements. (I like to travel. I don't particularly care for the poverty in some of the places I visit)
Good for the world or bad?