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This is not evidence that such pairs are forming stable dipoles. it is difficult that dark matter that include Electron Positron are ionized .it need superstrong electric fields or superstrong magnetic fields if EPDs are not stable, they will be ionized easily. Energy causes gravity (mass being one form of energy, and the most familiar cause). We don't know the reason that it does. But then, we don't know the reason charged particles exhibit the electromagnetic interaction. We observe that they do, and have models for how everything behaves. Why does gravity act at a distance Funny how people have been looking out at the heavens through glass for centuries. Some of them have been into space and done this. Reported for trolling. https://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/refrn/Lesson-3/Total-Internal-Reflection you should learn Total Internal Reflection
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There are several mechanisms that can form pairs of particles and antiparticles. This thread is for you to present the evidence for your idea, not to give you an introduction to basic science. Either go and learn some science or start a thread with questions to fill the gaps in your knowledge. something ionize into electron-positron pair, but you can't see them. they must be dark matter Which demonstrates that it is not distributed like normal matter. Dark matter map show that The density of dark matter increases with the density of visible matter It does not exert a force. Gravity is not a force in GR. You really should know this stuff. Are you not embarrassed to display your ignorance like this? You should be. Gravity is not a force in GR. so GR is wrong. as a matter of fact, you are attracted by the Earth's gravity. I can tell you that I can't couple light above a certain wavelength into a 1 micron optical fiber, or send an RF signal above a certain wavelength down a waveguide that's too small. And noting that the energy goes down, therefore the electric and magnetic fields diminish, as the wavelength goes up. So when you are trying to tell me that all photons have zero size, I will ask why I can't do the things I described. wavelength mean wave. wave-particle duality of light didn't tell the truth. Photon and electromagnetic wave theory conflict What about it? You're giving very incomplete answers here, with no real context. I can send light into a vacuum at an angle through glass, You said this can't be done. That's nonsense. Total reflection of light at an Angle you can not send light into a vacuum at an angle through glass. I don't know what this means. A single photon cannot wave
What positron-electron pair? And what does "disassociate" mean? And if anything "disassociates" them, it can't be dark matter because it doesn't interact electromagnetically. We know this. From evidence. if no dark matter, what ionize into electron-positron pair? And if anything "disassociates" them, it can't be dark matter because it doesn't interact electromagnetically. We know this. From evidence. what evidence? If it were electron-positron pairs, we would know because they would annihilate and produce gamma rays. You should know this. As you "know all the science". But the problem is you don't know any science, do you. does gamma rays include any electric charge? does gamma rays include any mass? Dark matter is not distributed like normal matter. That is because it doesn't interact electromagnetically. you should know Dark matter map The problem is simply the you don't know what you are talking about. Spacetime cannot be the object that exert force. There's no force without things which put force.
I have already explained that the first of these contradicts your claims and the others are irrelevant. if no dark matter, what disassociates electron-positron pair? 'Vacuum' ? nothing? why? Then your model is wrong because we know it doesn't. Why can't you find dark matter? because The existing model is wrong. you are going Into the erroneous zone! Yet another thing you are ignorant of. So why should anyone take any notice of the stuff you make up (that is contradicted by evidence). Spacetime cannot act as a forcing object no evidence can tell Spacetime can act as a forcing object. There is no attractive force, you will go away Why don't you study some physics and find out, instead of repeatedly demonstrating your ignorance. Are you proud of not knowing these things? Spacetime cannot act as a forcing object Newtonian gravity is correct The earth attracts us Intermolecular attraction is completely different from gravity. This is why dark matter does not "clump". Yet another example of your ignorance. You don't have any research Dark matter is distributed in the same way as gravity Different objects attract the same dark matter can you think that? And you should learn the difference between proper speed and coordinate speed. You deny the speed of light but The speed of light can vary
This is not true. Yet another thing you are ignorant of. you stay on earth, why? How to explain with Relativistic gravity? How to explain rocket launching with Relativistic gravity? no object exerts a force with Relativistic gravity Electromagnetism has nothing to do with gravity. Dark matter is distributed in the same way as gravity intermolecular interaction is similar. Speed of light doesn't change. you should learn gravitational lens and you should know Speed of light in Different media, too. What does that mean? Particles don't"fluctuate". could you give The behavior of 'one' individual particle wave? Of course not. Why would you expect it to? electromagnetic wave is wave electromagnetic wave is correct one photon can not wave
One kind of medium, like a gas of N2? What if the pressure changes? Is that not the same medium? dark matter density change, The speed of light and the direction will change; sometime, dark matter density change sharply; sometime, dark matter density change Gradually That makes no sense to me. could you tell us How big is the photon? How am I able to do this in my lab, then? I send lasers into a vacuum, through glass, at an angle (meaning not perpendicular to the glass, I assume) Total reflection of light for example,Fiber Optic Communications Cloud chambers don't detect photon paths. Only those of charged particles. could you give The behavior of 'one' individual particles is fluctuating How do waveguides work, with your photon model? 'one' individual particles can not wave. Light is electromagnetic wave transmitted by dark matter Making a statement is not evidence. 1) 'Vacuum' (Dark matter) disassociates electron pairs(many papers: The CDMS II Collaboration, Dark matter search results from the CDMS II experiment. Science. 327, 1619-1621(2010); S. Devons, G. R. Lindsey, Electron pair creation by a spherically symmetrical field. Nature. 164, 539-540(1949).E. J. Williams, Production of electron-positron pairs. Nature. 135, 66-66(1935). H. R. J. Walters. Antimatter Atomic Physics [J]. Science, 330, 762(2010).) 2. Electron-Positron Pair can be produced (in Vacuum) in superstrong electric fields 3. Electron-Positron Pair can be produced (in Vacuum) in an alternating field (Vacuum) 4. Electron-Positron Pair can be produced (in Vacuum) in superstrong magnetic fields(Vacuum) We already have a model for that. Is there any way to distinguish your model from the mainstream model? in my model, Dark matters interact with the electromagnetic force this is the first time for the point! The electromagnetic interaction is separate from gravity. All you need for gravity is energy (mass, kinetic). could you tell What are the specific causes of gravity?
there are difference between dark matter and visible matter. visible matter can be seen directly, but dark matter can not be seen directly GR was vital to at least three engineering projects I worked on. (And indirectly involved in several others.) It is almost like you don't know what you are talking about. Relativistic gravity just for fun, no object exerts a force. just Newtonian gravity is used in The actual engineering. I thought you understood "all basic physics"? you can not explain only dark matter can explain this Nonsense. Dark matter doesn't interact electromagnetically. there are difference between dark matter and visible matter. visible matter can be seen directly, but dark matter can not be seen directly Why participate in gravity if Dark matter doesn't interact electromagnetically.
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It doesn't. are you attracted by gravity? what is Applying object? In most cases but not always. That is why we need GR. Newtonian gravity is used in The actual engineering,but GR Logical is no use without EVIDENCE. i have given many evidences, you don't read them! Photons←→electrons and positrons could you explain Where is the rest mass? could you explain Where is electric charge? How does a single photon transmit electromagnetic waves The photon theory and the electromagnetic wave theory contradict each other. The theory of electromagnetic waves proved to be correct.
Read a book on basic physics. i understand all basic physics. All particles can change in velocity why not photon? Light is electromagnetic wave.
We know that electrons and positrons annihilate to create photons. We can observe this. This is known as "evidence", a concept you seem to be unfamiliar with. We have not observed dark matter being created from a electrons and positrons. Dark matter is invisible matter Photons←→electrons and positrons that conflict with substance conservation, energy conservation and Charge Conservation electrons and positrons →dark matter+energy dark matter+energy →electrons and positrons many evidences demonstate dark matter include electrons and positron Given the level of ignorance you have demonstrated, what you "think" is hardly relevant. electrons and positrons →dark matter+energy dark matter+energy →electrons and positrons Dark matter is invisible matter, all of those accord with substance conservation, energy conservation and Charge Conservation. These are more logical
All quantum measurements require dark matter. In essence, electromagnetic field is due to oscillations of EPDs. The strength of an electromagnetic field can be expressed by the oscillating rate of EPDs and the type of electromagnetic wave can be expressed by oscillating frequency of EPDs. This shows that electromagnetic field is the regular change of physical substance (dark matter), which unifies (electromagnetic) field substance and physical substance reasonably. it is the reason of Quantum mechanical could you give Quantum mechanical reasons? EPD theory is Consistent with maxwell's theory EPD theory is Consistent with Hertz electric dipole theory
The randomness of quantum mechanics is The existence of dark matter. the movement of quanta in EPDs is more complicated than the random movement of dust in the air. Quanta and EPDs interact so frequently and disorderly that the moving trails of quanta can’ be calculated accurately. It only accords with the statistical law of spatial probability distribution. hidden variables has relationship with Vacuum friction; Vacuum friction has relationship with dark matter.
i don't know the reason. i give the formula. maybe you should change pdf Reader. Photons. substance conservation energy conservation Charge Conservation Photons←→electrons and positrons electrons and positrons ←→dark matter which one is reasonable? Many possible sources. None appear to be dark matter. Many possible sources? i cann't see any Visible matter is involved? If yes, please tell us. i just think dark matter is involved. This is not the place to teach you basic physics. Go read a book. Even though the probability is low, All the particles are going to collide, Why don't the photons collide Because they are massless why photons are massless. Does that make sense? The velocity doesn't change in the same medium,why? The velocity change in different medium,why? What is massless has the relationship with velocity? The geometry of spacetime Spacetime is a forcing object? Does a force exist on a nonexerting object? How does spacetime curvature prove? How does space-time apply force? How do forces act on space-time? can you give any evidence? No it isn’t. Newtonian gravity is a force. But gravity is not a force in GR. Newtonian gravity is correct. You will fly away if no force This is a logical fallacy (assuming the consequent?) again! substance conservation energy conservation Charge Conservation Photons←→electrons and positrons electrons and positrons ←→dark matter which one is reasonable? dark matter is invisible matter. invisible matter ←→visible matte dark matter←→visible matte could you give Quantum mechanical reasons? could you give Cause of gravity? could you give Cause of electric field? could you give Cause of magnetic field? could you give the reason of gravity action at a distance ? could you give the reason of Dark matter is dark? Electric field, magnetic field, electromagnetic field and gravitational field can be explained reasonably with EPDs’ regular polarization, directional deflection, Induced oscillation and density gradient. This shows that 4 kinds of field is the regular variance of physical substance (dark matter), which unifies 4 kinds of field substance and physical substance (dark matter) reasonably. Dark matters have a lot of internal energy and potential energy of various fields. ‘Vacuum’ friction show that ‘vacuum’ is fulled with ‘invisible’ dark matter. Electron-positron pair creation and annihilation have relationship with dark matters. EPDs have thermal energy and transfer mutually by instantaneous induction force. Instantaneous induction force amongst EPDs is one kind of electromagnetic wave. Electromagnetic waves that have wavelengths 7.35cm can be received at any time, any position and any direction. Only this frequency of electromagnetic radiation cannot be shielded because it is dark matters’ thermal motion. Substance of dark matter had been verified with vacuum friction, EPDs’ thermal motion, electron-positron pair creation and annihilation.
What? could you tell me that The total reflection is explained by photons This makes no sense. could you give me the Evidence of 'one' individual particle fluctuations. Time doesn't exert a force. As you are just spouting ignorant nonsense, there is little point in this thread staying open. You need to learn some basic physics. Go back to school. Relativistic gravity how explains gravity by General relativity Relativistic gravity is a force. What is the exerting object? There's no force without things which put force I don't see any attempt to mathematically answer my mathematical question. I don't see any attempt to answer swanson's mathematical question about how a positron-electron pair can be in such a state that it possesses a dipole moment. 1.5 Unification of dark matter and field substance i give The formulas for all the fields electrons and positrons Combine,What substance was formed? electrons and positrons were produced,Where did electrons and positrons come from? if no dark matters? how do you explain? All I do see is a long litany of extraneous and irrelevant material. all evidence are relevant material of dark matter. All the evidence involves invisible matter invisible matter is dark matter. I only bothered with this thread because it is just possible that someone has come up with a bound state that we don't know about which has a lifetime of better than 100 nanoseconds. Properly stable positrons could be really useful if we could find a way to make them. after die, positronium has no dead body? Equally I can't make any connection between your proposed bound state and dark matter or dark energy. Dark matter must exist, but i am not sure dark energy exist. so far, I don't think dark energy exists All the evidence involves invisible matter, See if that's the case. invisible matter is dark matter.
So what? We know electrons and positrons exist. We know many mechanisms that can create them (including pair production from photons). We also know they can form unstable pairs. But the CDMS paper concludes that dark matter was not the source of the detected events. If you can't be bothered to provide links, I am not going to waste my term searching for papers that I know do not say what you claim. electrons and positrons Combine,What substance was formed. electrons and positrons were produced,Where did electrons and positrons come from? if no dark matters? how do you explain? Yes, photons can be treated as point particles. But that is not the reason they do not interact with one another. why particle flow no collision? why they do not interact with one another? Velocity of photons does not change at the interface of different materials. Photons are delayed when they travel through a medium because of their interactions with the electrons in the medium. Any particle can change its velocity. Velocity of photons does not change ,why? Only the velocity of the wave depends on the medium, The medium doesn't change, the velocity doesn't change You mean that no surface is perfectly smooth so light will always be scattered slightly? Obviously. But this has nothing to do with photons. It is true of classical waves as well (it has to be because classical waves have to behave the same as photons). How big is the photon? can you tell me? molecule spacing Bigger than photons. It means that photons can’t be reflected planarly.