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Everything posted by Akmose

  1. You seem confused, not all plants die when cropped. I think you missed the point read it again. do they? Yes.
  2. What should I do if I have no friends on new years day? if you have a job most companies will reimburse you for taking classes at your community college. So long as you pass the class you should get most of your money back. Take writing or art classes. Some of those had no guys in them. Just work at talking to the women about the class. Do not talk to them about religion or politics. This will help you meet and talk to women. If you can get a job at night and take a class or two during the day. Try to spend some time hanging out around campus talking to the other students. Good luck.
  3. The truth is that if you want to live you have to kill. Hell if you want to die you still have to kill yourself. Animals are a form of life but so is a plant. You place a morality to killing and eating one but not the other. Killing a plant is morally the same. I feel that most vegans get a sense of superiority over people who eat animals. All life is life. Ill bet that plants are screaming the whole time they are being eaten. Most people who eat meat have a lot of respect for the life that keeps them alive. Just a thought.
  4. Why is war morally wrong? because it helps us convince our people to go to war. if war is morally wrong and everyone agrees that that. Then the person who attacks first is perceived as bad. Thus making it easy to morally justify the war. If you manipulate the enemy into attacking you or your allies. Then even the peaceful person on your side will demand war. The Romans used to do it all the time. Its a lot harder sell to tell people we want a war so some high mucky muck can get rich.
  5. 1) Why Japan chose to attack US in Dec. 1941 instead attacking USSR together with Germany and Italy in Jun. 1941? Wouldn't it have a much better chances of success? And what would happen if Japan would attack USSR instead of US? If my memory is correct the Japanese attacked the US before pearl harbor. We had supplied the Chinese with weapons and the flying tigers during their war with japan. This angered the Japanese. We sent two ships into China to remove our diplomats and their families. These ships had American flags painted on the roof. The Japanese where informed of their movement into China. The Japanese attacked the ships killing some of the people onboard. This lead to the US cutting Japan off from US controlled oil. At that point they only had two things they could do. Surrender to the US demands or war with us. They where doing a lot of damage to the Chinese but it still was a lot to handle. A prolonged was on two fronts would have not been winnable. Its one thing to take territory from an enemy but then you have to hold it. 2) Why Germany proclaimed war on US in Dec. 1941 right after US proclaimed war on Japan? If Japan failed Hitler and proclaimed neutrality in war in Europe, why Hitler decided to remember an ally obligations in Dec. 1941? Wouldn't it be much clever decision for Germany to abstain from war with US? Would US proclaim war on Germany and open second front in Europe in 1944 if Germany wouldn't do it first? Especially when Japanese attacked US without any preliminary agreement with Germany about that? I assume that Hitler declared war on the US for much of the same reasons. We where supplying weapons and personal to the english and Russia. As soon as war was declared the German uboats started attacking the US ships. He probably hoped to get the english to surrender before too long. As well as cutting off our supply shipments to Russia.
  6. Why can we not apply Science to look into any proposition we choose? Lets say we apply science to model the creation of a universe. The result would be inconclusive. We would only prove that a universe could be created not that it naturally formed. Your in the realm of philosophy not science. Science requires data. That means observation and experimentation. We don't even know where 90% of the mass of the universe comes from. We don't know what gravity is. We know how it works but not what it is. Let me put it this way. The difference between science and science fiction is hard work. You would be selling science fiction as science.
  7. Can science prove God ? it's the job of science to figure out how the universe works not how it was made. the question that is important is. Is the universe and everything in it an artificial creation or a naturally occurring event? there are three answers to this question. The most important answers are yes and no. Each person seeks to find an answer, each leads to inevitable conclusions. Any being that can create a universe, is powerful enough and smart enough to make it impossible to find them. If he doesn't want to be found. No human has the means to do so, science or no science. Any answer to the question is religious. Leave science out of it.
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