Hey folks, new to scientific and algorithmic interpretation. I am looking for a bit of guidance regarding a graph I have created and it's practical application(s). It very much has to do with relativity, but I am nervous to fully share with strangers online. I don't know anyone who can communicate about physics I did not acquire understanding in an orthodox way. I needed a graph that could give me all relevant data in one place so I derived one. After applying data it functioned exactly as expected, excited I determined to understand what makes this graph work and what I found was overwhelming, amazing and frightening.
A crash course through physics, my mind wandered toiling over a 3d probability decay graph I had drawn to provide support for the main work a geometrical construct appeared in my imagination, and instantly I understood things about physics and math that I never could have understood any other way. I wrote theory and applied data without google or any outside input because I needed to do the math myself and later see how it held up against Einstein, Tesla, Newton, Hawking...... I don't consider myself like these men. I do feel as if what I have derived binds all of their laws, theories and ideas to one universal equation. A simplified visual representation of what these men have discovered.
As I compared my imaginings to the works of the greats I couldn't find any fault with my discovery. I have really tried to discount my own interpretation but the more I research, the more I seem to only be proving the work. Honestly I could use other theorists and mathematicians to just prove or disprove it. I am coding the graph for commercial purposes but that isn't what is important here. I can handle NDAs and business but my question is:
How do I, an undergrad with a ridiculous claim, approach academia?
I know this sounds a bit sensational, it does to me as well. I never wanted to understand the universe on this level. My very selfish intent was to use data to gain an edge in markets. this graph can do that. What I found was information that could be as dangerous as it is wonderful. I really don't know what to do with that, so I am here, for wisdom. Wish I could show you all my work but what if I am right? help please.