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Einy and The Greeks

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Everything posted by Einy and The Greeks

  1. This generation is full of self hate, sarcasm is a very devaluing internal behavior that causes decay in your life and relationships.
  2. Can't post anymore or I would have replied on the thread.  Yes sounds extremely implausible to predict stocks, but based in the context of trading on technicals (quantitive analysis) it does work better than any other chart out there. I have already proven it over and over and over again. If you saw the thing it would absolutely make sense. Advanced card counting is all it is.

    Plausibility and danger are non relevant to the questions I asked, which was the reason for the thread.  I am reaching out for collaboration and a method to begin sharing and testing the physics aspect of why the graph works.

    I would love to share this with anyone I could trust and respect basically that's why I posted. I am looking for help on a professional level but don't know where or with whom to begin.

  3. What is Christian? There are approximately 8 billion different belief systems in operation on the planet right now, ALL vastly different and interdependent from the others. To me physics proves that there is a code and therefore a coder. Just because we can interpret a code does that then mean there is no coder? Of course not, what if the evolution of life is the God function that has given us sentience and causes us to learn, to fail, to be creative/destructive and share a commonality with all other forms of sentience. I was involved in "christianity' until I realized that the system is a bunch of contradictions developed over time by people (Constantine) to control people with fear and reward. All the information has been corrupted by interpretational bias overtime. Only a small bit of what I consider to be true nature of God remains within texts and historical data available. Science definitely contradicts "christianity" every religious system really, It can not however contradict GOD. if there is a god then it's spirit is life, understanding and creativity. Sounds like science to me. It is ok to let go of the ideals that we attach to our identity because of fear of punishment of the past or hope of reward in the future. The carrot and the stick is how one trains a jackass not children or people in general. Our margin for error is what allows us to learn. It's important to not know what you believe so you can learn, evolve.
  4. Thank you. Not worried about theft as much as I am misapplication. The graph does show that with every + there is -. Is knowing too much about the probable future may not be a great thing because well, to know the probable future is to have control of the probable future. Good for somethings bad for others. What I’ve created is old math, maybe the oldest. It’s the math that we use in our minds everyday to quantify info and make decisions. I hate counting so I created a graph that can basically count of an infinite amount of info and represents a visual interpretation of the Value of x over θ. The higher the input data volume the more accurate the visual indicator will be. With this model one could: predict markets accurately construct a map of the universe (take a while) create AI with the ability to reason as we do. and a list of both destructive and creative possibilities that you may not want to ponder. ethics, humanity and a plus value on life is what I desire to do with this knowledge but not all scientist are Rad, some are truly Mad.
  5. Hey folks, new to scientific and algorithmic interpretation. I am looking for a bit of guidance regarding a graph I have created and it's practical application(s). It very much has to do with relativity, but I am nervous to fully share with strangers online. I don't know anyone who can communicate about physics I did not acquire understanding in an orthodox way. I needed a graph that could give me all relevant data in one place so I derived one. After applying data it functioned exactly as expected, excited I determined to understand what makes this graph work and what I found was overwhelming, amazing and frightening. A crash course through physics, my mind wandered toiling over a 3d probability decay graph I had drawn to provide support for the main work a geometrical construct appeared in my imagination, and instantly I understood things about physics and math that I never could have understood any other way. I wrote theory and applied data without google or any outside input because I needed to do the math myself and later see how it held up against Einstein, Tesla, Newton, Hawking...... I don't consider myself like these men. I do feel as if what I have derived binds all of their laws, theories and ideas to one universal equation. A simplified visual representation of what these men have discovered. As I compared my imaginings to the works of the greats I couldn't find any fault with my discovery. I have really tried to discount my own interpretation but the more I research, the more I seem to only be proving the work. Honestly I could use other theorists and mathematicians to just prove or disprove it. I am coding the graph for commercial purposes but that isn't what is important here. I can handle NDAs and business but my question is: How do I, an undergrad with a ridiculous claim, approach academia? I know this sounds a bit sensational, it does to me as well. I never wanted to understand the universe on this level. My very selfish intent was to use data to gain an edge in markets. this graph can do that. What I found was information that could be as dangerous as it is wonderful. I really don't know what to do with that, so I am here, for wisdom. Wish I could show you all my work but what if I am right? help please.
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