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Everything posted by esposcar

  1. Its very clear and I understand it gentleman. Finally I got a much clear description of the forces acting on the reactionless device. Please I would like to know your opinions. I need empirical arguments, because as I see it and show it, I think I am not missing any element. An error was done. The weight of the container C will be 130 kilos all the time and not 140 kilos as its written above.
  2. One little detail about the velocity. One of the containers will begin to pump its fluid, when both containers will have a constant velocity. "However, four fictitious forces are defined for frames accelerated in commonly occurring ways: one caused by any relative acceleration of the origin in a straight line (rectilinear acceleration);[8] two involving rotation: centrifugal force and Coriolis force; and a fourth, called the Euler force, caused by a variable rate of rotation, should that occur. " This dont apply to the moment that the fluid is transfered as I understand, because the changes will happen at a constant velocity not in an aceleration. This invention is ideal for space and no gravity
  3. Its a linear device, and yes I get it, but if you viewed the video, its very interesant to know that when both opposite bodies hit their respective wall, to move the system right or left, or stay still, one of the bodies (Container) will have more fluid, that means more mass, that its opposite, so both of the bodies going on the same constant velocity but with one of them with less mass, there will be an unbalance of forces, despite the frames of reference. Can you tell me where it can go wrong from the 10 second animation, if before all laws are respected? So what would happen then on the end of the animation? all forces will become equal?
  4. the invention is a sistem that have in the moment to begin all the same weights and forces equal on right and left, they are simetrical, the only moment that there is an unbalance of forces is it when one of the moving objects when its in movement pumps through a piston its fluid to another container that is quite respect to this object in movement. And as long as I know about Pascal laws, if you push through a piston a fluid it will have inside the fluid, al the pression=force in each centimetres of the walls that confine the liquid, so, I understand that it could work as a kind of rustic teletransportation Lol There are no hidden forces, all are clear, actually if Newtons and Pascal laws work, this invention must work. My question would be of a yes or no. Lets say we have two containers, one in a car and another in earth, connected by a flexible pipe, tube etc, so they can transfer each other fluid. And the car have a container full and on earth its empty, so once the car go at 100 km per hour, begins to pump its fluid to the empty container on earth. Would the fluid of the moving car will arrive quiet to the container resting at earth? if its yes, then it works sure, if not, then its another cracker idea
  5. Perfectly clear. But with all respects, if you have not even taken a second about this, how can you quote already what I have done? You just view in the video how it works and detect that if there is a second that the device violates Newton laws or Pascal laws, actually you just need a diagram of forces, not any exhotic quantum equation, I will excuse myself for making you lose your time, despite this time is work But anyway I am not here to discuss, I just wanted an answer, and the animation is very clear, even a child can view it.
  6. I have a pending patent on this concept of "reactionless devices", like gyroscopes etc etc, but bringing to the table a new idea, that mixes up the laws of Newton and the principle of Pascal to obtain a thrust. Excuse my english btw. So I have created several animations, with some animation errors, but very easy to understand and visualize, and very short to not to bore you Lol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vz8R1et6BRA - Linear device https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIZN5zDDXEo - The descriptions are in spanish but the animation begins in second 37 The first two animations that have more chances to work in my humble opinion, are one linear and another rotational simple devices, that what makes the diference is that transfers moving mass to a point that is quite. Using 2 containers with the same amount of fluid and weight to get impulsed in opposite directions and when they got a constant velocity, one of the containers will transfer its mass in fluids to another container that is placed in the platform quiet respect to its peer. And when both moving containers will arrive to their respective wall, one of the containers will arrive with more fluid and will push with more force. Anyway take a look to the animations, and tell me where Newtons laws are violated or what have I missed, because I am not able to see it, despite I have a good knowledge of Newton Mechanics And here comes 4 versions of the same concept of the invention, using Pascal Laws, but in a different way, but its very easy to view and understand. I am quite limited in english. What I can say is that the momentum gets diluted inside the fluid and the only momentum that is conserved, its for friction. As the first 2 videos, it profits of Pascal principle to unbalance the forces on each side. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aB4x7hWFJmQ - This was my first animation in this subject. Very primitive and simple, but the animation is bad especially the last second, but its very clear. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXM3iwGvi-o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGFDgwuNfoc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbLM6s1WNlM By the way, I post it here, because its my first post and I dont want to get banned already Lol
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