Hello, I'm 14 and I need to find out what's wrong with me. Sometimes it just feels like I'm an outcast. I live with and know my family but I don't like them because I feel they don't know me, they don't know what I feel, they don't know what I want. I open up more to my friends but it just feels like they like me a lot less than others, which make me really sad. I feel like an outcast wherever I am and I have extreme amounts of social anxiety, I have trouble trying to explain myself in front of my peers so most of the time I keep to myself.
I really feel that no one likes me at all. They all think I'm annoying and criticize me for being chubby. I also feel really empty inside and I feel like went through something in the past that made me the way I am. There is really o other way to hamster around this, I'm really close to just ending it all.