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Everything posted by Zeropr0xy

  1. I am very late to this discussion but found this thread seemingly the same way others have. I would like to give my experience, and I will start off by saying that this odd sensation has been explained very well within this thread. I have been able to reach this "state" from a young age... I am now 34 years old. I first noticed this sensation after reading an article about monks who could slow their heartbeats after years of meditation. I was quite fascinated by this idea and decided to try it myself. While laying in bed I concentrated specifically on my heartbeat and nothing else other than my heartbeat, then slowly tried to imagine my heart beating slower. After some time (15 to 20 minutes) I started to notice the tingling feeling, a few minutes later I noticed I could control this by what I call releasing. By "releasing" I mean letting go of all muscular control and focusing on nothing.. the same feeling came over my body starting from my hips flowing up to my head.. at this point, I became very afraid as I felt I was slipping away and I might not return. Ever since that day I periodically find myself reaching this state but I am unable to hold the sensation for more than a few seconds. It tends to be easier to reach this state when I am very tired. Those I have spoken to about this write it off as nothing, but for those who have experienced this, it is definitely far from nothing. I am not an expert on meditation but I believe these two things are closely tied. If anyone would like to share their experiences I can be reached by email at Mwphillips84@gmail.com as this topic is very interesting and needs further research.
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