I say make YouTube and Google your best friend; because amost all programmers use them. Computer science is going be hard until you catch on well at least it going feel that way. I say find out what language you will be learning if it's python, java or c++, and so on. I say keep c++ and java last since they are very hard language to learn right off bat. Python, visual basic, c#, JavaScript, and php are easy but it's between vb.net to python for starting out. Note python is bipolar. With python when you get error it could be you either got it wrong or your placement is off like so :
for I in range(0, 100):
print I
now there is two errors in this depends on which version you are using. Python 2.7 you will only get placement error but on python3 you will get two errors here right way to do it n it will work on both Carson of python :
for I in range(0, 100):
print (I)
#Now for I in range it will loop through each number that you set it to except one number off meaning it will print 0 to 99.
visual basic is best for starting out I think it don't care about placement as long it's right. I hope this help ya.