Thank you so much to everyone, i am understanding much more now! I have some update becouse, yesterday many other students in my class complained about the difficulty of the topic and so the teacher changed it to "Newton's law of gravity"for those who wanted. I was the only one to stay with dad Albert; so i want to do this very good and i would like to have a complete view of the theory as far as i can understand.
How does e/m do that ? A couple of years ago when i was 10 i started studing physics in my class and since then it seemed to me that every effect, even the thiniest one, had a cause: like the gluon causing the strong force that helds the quarks togheter ( at least that's what i know ). So i still can't figure out how in details is space-time bent.
Oh ok, this is pretty mind blowing to me. I always thought space ( in particular becouse time seems a more abstract and not fundamental concept to me ) as something existing, as something we can't see but "it's there" like the higg's field or the electromagnetic field. I guess i would need a much higher level of mathematics to understand the equations ( i am currently learning polynomial equations) from which things should get more clear i guess.
Describing in the essay the implications of general relativity i thought of writing about : 1) Gravitational Lensing 2) Black Holes and time dilatation effects 3) Problems in space research travel missions ( like in interstellar ). Is there anything else which is quite cool and simple to describe that i am missing?
Also thank you, everyone, for your support in making me understand this concepts which are much harder to approach without the help of my dad (who was a physicist), which sadly passed away last year. I joined this forum yesterday and i looked up some discussion about topics of my interest and i immediately realized this a forum of giants, people that knows a lot and which i want to become in the future. I don't know if i can understand even 1/3 of what discussed in most of topics but i'll try to.
See you,
I need to deliver the essay this thursday and the best of them gets published in the monthly journal of our school in the science section.