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  1. First, we should prove the existence of the Aliens themselves!
  2. The imaginary characters in a game are like the characters in a dream. They don't exist in the real world as a touchable existence, but they sometimes are representations of the real characters.
  3. We can call this world, the world of change! Everything in this world is included the change rule. The only thing that never is changed is the system (rules) of the world.
  4. Your question shows that you exist, though we can't see you. Basically, the object that shows itself by a sign, it proves that it exists. Non-existences haven't any sign and track. For example, black holes in the space are not visible at all but scientists can recognize their existence by their side effects. So the existence of every thing whether visible (like you) or invisible (like air) is recognized by the effects that are issued from it.
  5. ‍comment or offense? You compelled me to admire myself and speak about my specialty in philosophy.
  6. Strange I don't reflect your words to you today because I always avoid arguing with such the persons, but tomorrow, the reality will judge between us and will taught you, who thinks and behaves out of logic. Or maybe you plan is that to drive out persons with different believes from the topics by fanatical behaviors; I say to you, such the manner is not good at all. You don't know me and my knowledge and just think about yourself, you are a worthy person in philosophy, but I ensure you today, you are in a great mistake. You will lose yourself in the future, because it is a certain and unchangeable law of the system of the universe that wrong people never remain in the logical field, and fanatical believes will be eliminated. Before you, there were many similar persons with the similar opinion and behaviors that were faded in the history and forgotten. They were very higher than you and had a higher rank in the wrong philosophies. Marx and Lenin are two samples in the history that took many people to the misery and unluckiness for decades and eventually their wrong doctrine was demolished in the eyes of the world people with humiliation. You are not comparable with those high philosophers that went wrong and finally were forgotten in the history and now their incorrect believes is found just in the museums! You are lower than those famous philosophers that originated a wrong Ism in the world but afterwards it was revealed they were in a wrong way. I don't enlighten you anymore because I know it is like planting seed on the rock, but I just recommend you to respect people and behave politely to them because if you discuss in a bad manner it will go back to your character. ************************************ I didn't want to start a religious debate here. When somebody asks, what your feeling about death is, what I have to express? I must express my feeling based on my belief or something else? I only expressed my feeling without purposing establish a religious debate but Strange started an opposite ideology argue.
  7. First of all, the subject of death is not apart from religion and it can not be discussed without this background (from viewpoint of theists). Second, I just expressed my feeling based on my belief and did say, I'm worried about after death; but some of the users took it to a religious discussion and tried to impose their materialism opinions on my concept. Thirdly, if I even sent my post mistakenly, they should not used humiliating words. Not only such the behaviors is not worthy in a cultural and scientific place, but also is disguising in other communities.
  8. I came to this forum supposing it discusses about philosophies and science, and now I see here philosophers! use offensive words like ignorant, ridiculous, stupid saying and so on. Also somebodies try to respond joking and mocking. Sorry for this childish manner of discussion. If these commenters even don't follow a righteously belief, they must follow a literature culture, at least.
  9. Yes, man is free to choose every belief and every doing but he is responsible against his wisdom. He should chooses the right based on his intellect and logic. Also God sent prophets to enlighten people about realities of God and the realities that they didn't know. So after wisdom and coming the prophets (as the spiritual teachers of people) there is not any excuse for anyone. The doctrine of a religion should be according to reality and logic of man. As I explained before being multiple gods in the universe is not possible and is not adaptable with logic. Some of the religions are man-made and are built on some baseless suppositions. It is a simple denying and is not according to this experience and logic of man that every artifact has a designer and manufacturer. some lifeless molecules never are change into a germ cell by themselves or by the meaningless idea, evolution! the sperm by all its complex scientific structure and mysteries says to us that it is created by a high intelligent existence. Is a robot made by evolution?! Or it has an intelligent and knowledgeable designer and manufacturer?
  10. It is a logical thing. Every supposed god claimed he was a higher creator and was the owner of the world. Also every god created something that was opposite to the creature that another god had created. This caused a conflict between them and inevitably a war happened and every god tried to destroy the creatures of another god.
  11. Instead we go into the nested philosophy let me to bring a very simple evidence: A dry seed is a dead seed. but when it is situated in the humid soil it goes back to life. What is the sperm of man? How it came into existence? Who designed it and gave it life? Isn't who created the sperm for first time able to revive a human again?
  12. If there was multiple gods in the world, this universe was destroyed completely because of opposition, conflict and war between them. So the designer, creator and owner of the world and human is only one God. It is not dictatorship. God gave this freedom to man to choose his way, but he is responsible against his choices and actions due to his wisdom. We see the similar thing in man's social laws. A good citizen who behaves good is not equal to a criminal who is jailed because of his wrongs.
  13. There are many evidence that I can bring up, but let me just to say, it is my belief.
  14. I know we will be revived again to be accounted, but the unknown events afterlife make me worried. I just know I have to take good actions along with to afterlife so that God be happy at me. The worst thing that a human can take along with is bad believes and bad actions.
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