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  1. I've a 0.2 mol/L SDS solution I've calculated the cmc with my collected data but I need to make a theoretical calculation too... only considering: - The shape of the tenside molecule is cubic and has a volume of 1nm^3 - The amount of dissolved tenside can be neglected compared to the amount of tenside that is absorbed at the surface.
  2. I'm studing in europe, but not UK. Anyway, solvent was water and concentration of SDS was 0.2M And yes, sodium dodecyl sulphate
  3. I don't know if it is american. In our experiment the tenside was SDS.
  4. How is possible to estimate the cmc on a pure theoretical basis? I know that: - The shape of the tenside molecule is cubic and has a volume of 1nm^3 - The amount of dissolved tenside can be neglected compared to the amount of tenside that is absorbed at the surface. Thank you all, Bellico
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